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选修8 40. Pakistani adj. n. __________ Unit 1 41. immigrate vi. __________

1. California _________ 4

2. immigration n. __________

2. Californian _________ 4

3. r acial adj. _________

3. illustrate vt. __________ 4

4. crossing n. _________

4. distinct adj. __________ 4

5. v ice n. & adj. __________

5. distinction n. __________ 4

6. nephew n. __________

6. immigrant n. _________ 4

7. pole n. _________

7. live on ________ 48. a pplicant n. __________

8. strait n. __________ 49. c ustoms n. __________

9. Bering ________ 50. socialist n. adj. __________

10. Arctic adj. __________ 51. s ocialism n. __________

11. the Arctic _________ 52. o ccur vi. _________

12. means n. __________ 53. cattle n. __________

13. by means of …54. H ispanic n. _________

14. prehistoric adj. __________ 55. i ndicate vt. __________

15. majority n. _________ 56. b ack to back __________

16. ministry n. _________ 57. l uggage n. _________

17. Catholic adj. n. __________ 58. s have vt. & vi. (shaved; shaved,

18. Alaska n. __________ shaven) ________

19. San Francisco n. _________ 59. c able n. __________

20. adventurer n. _________ 60. c able car __________

21. make a life _________ 61. Andrew Hallidie _________

22. despite prep. _________ 62. t ram n. _________

23. hardship n. __________ 63. a pparent adj. _________

24. elect vt. _________ 64. a pparently adv. __________

25. federal adj. __________ 65. b rake n. Vi. & vt. __________

26. rail n. __________ 66. c onductor n. _________

27. percentage n. __________ 67. s lip vi. n. __________

28. Los Angeles n. __________ 68. wharf n. _________

29. Italy n. __________ 69. b akery n. _________

30. Italian n.. adj. _________ 70. ferry n. vt. __________

31. Denmark n. _________ 71. Angel Island _________

32. keep up _________


team up with __________

33. Hollywood n. __________ 73. h ire vt. & n. __________

34. boom n.. vi. _________ 74. fascinating adj. __________

35. aircraft n. _________ 75. mark out _________

36. Cambodian n. _________ 76. s eagull n. _________

37. Korea n. __________ 77. take in __________

38. Korean n. adj. _________ 78. a ngle n. _________

80. apply for _________

81. nowhere adv. __________

82. miserable adj. __________

83. punishment n. __________

84. justice n. _________

85. mourn vt. & vi. __________

86. civil adj. __________

87. authority n. __________

88. reform vt. & vi. n. __________

89. grasp vt. & n. ___________

90. thoughtful adj. __________

91. thankful adj. __________

92. insert vt. _________

Unit 2

93. differ vi. __________

94. exact adj. __________

95. cutting n. _________

96. twin n. adj _________

97. identical adj. _________

98. commercial adj. _________

99. straightforward adj. _________ 100. ______________________ co mplicated adj. ______________ 101. undertake vt. (undertook,

undertaken) __________

102. _______________ pay off 103. ______________________ bre akthrough n. _______________ 104. ____________________ proce dure n. __________________

105. __________________ nucleus n. ____________________

106. ____________________ somati c adj. ___________________

107. __________________ embryo n. ____________________

108. _________________ carrier n. _____________________

109. _________________________ c ast vt. (cast, cast) ______________ 110. _________________ cast down ________________

111. ______________________ alto gether adv. ________________ 112. ____________________ arbitra ry adj. __________________

113. _______________ fate n. 114. ____________________ correc tion n. __________________

115.object vi. __________ 116.objection n. _________

117.impact n. __________

118. _________________ medium

n. ___________________

119. ________________ the media ____________________

120.obtain vt. __________

121. _________________ attain vt. _____________________

122. _________________ moral adj. _________________

123. _______________________ c onservative adj. ______________ 124. forbid vt. (forbade,forbad;

forbidden) ________

125. ______________________ a cc umulate vt. _________________ 126.in favour of ________

127. side road (<

美>sidewalk) 128. ____________________ constit

ution n. _________________ 129. ______________________ c o mpulsory adj. _______________ 130.opera n. __________

131.chorus n. _________

132.loaf n. __________

133.flour n. __________

134.owe vt. __________

135. ____________________ shortl y adv. ___________________ 136. ________________ retire vi.


137. ______________________ b ot her vt. vi. n. ________________ 138. _______________________ (b e) bound to (do) ______________ 139. ______________________ a ss umption n. _________________ 140. ____________________ regula tion n. __________________ 141. ____________________ nonse nse n. __________________ 142. ____________________ popul arity n. __________________ 143. ____________________ Juras sic Park _________________ 144. strike vi & vt. (struck, struck)

145. strike …into one ' s heart
