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Entered in twenty-first Century, the rapid development of China's urban economy, the people's living standard has been significantly improved, has played a decisive role in the international.Especially the logistics industry plays an important role in promoting the development of urban economy.Logistics industry and people's life has been the formation of a close relationship.But vehicle waste of resources, increase energy consumption, etc. logistics company perating problems have been highlighted; on the other hand, with the city's fast pace of life, the increase in private cars,the goods last mile difficult task to finish it quickly, time cost higher difficulty of processing problems.In such an internal and external environment, the study of urban logistics last mile transportation cost control, the optimization of urban logistics resources, reduce transportation costs and so on will play an important role.This paper through the last one kilometer of the status quo analysis, analysis our city last mile logistics development lag, and combining domestic and foreign last mile development status, combined with the reality of our country, put forward in view of the present situation of our country city last kilometer transportation improvements.

Key words:Urban logistics,Last mile,Cost control


摘要................................................................................................................................. I Abstract ......................................................................................................................... II 1 引言.. (1)

1.1 选题背景 (1)

1.2 选题目的与意义 (1)

1.3 国内外发展现状 (2)

2 城市物流最后一公里成本控制概述 (3)

2.1 城市物流最后一公里成本控制定义 (3)

2.2 城市物流最后一公里成本控制的特征 (3)

2.3 城市最后一公里成本控制的驱动因素 (3)

2.3.2 经济效益 (4)

2.3.3 社会效益 (4)

2.3.4 人口老龄化 (4)

3 城市物流最后一公里成本控制现状与存在的的问题 (5)

3.1 城市物流最后一公里成本控制现状与存在的问题 (5)

3.2 城市物流最后一公里成本控制可行性分析 (5)

4 城市物流最后一公里成本控制运作模式 (7)

4.1 便利店合作模式 (7)

4.2 小区物业合作模式 (7)

4.3 自提点建设模式 (7)

4.4 投放自提货柜模式 (8)

4.5 成本控制运输模式优劣势分析 (8)

5 城市物流企业最后一公里成本控制的建议 (10)

5.1 在城市自提点的基础上建立最后一公里不定向合作关系 (10)

5.2 政府应加强政策建设,减少物流业发展阻碍 (10)

5.3 结合自提点和自提货柜推出增值服务 (10)

参考文献 (12)
