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Passage One

1.bull: 1)牛2)(文中含义)牛市

2.run: 时期,一段时间

* bull run: 牛市期

3.dramatic: 戏剧化的

4.note: 1.(文中含义)气氛 2. 笔记

* on a dramatic note: 戏剧性地

5.all but (two pieces): 除....之外的所有东西

6.to fetch: 1). (文中含义)售得(若干价钱)

*The painting is expected to fetch at least $20 million.人们认为这幅画可以卖到至少2000万美元。 2)去(某个地方)取回

*Shannon went upstairs to fetch some blankets.香农去楼上取来一些毯子。


* The house was sold at auction.房子拍卖出售。

auctioneer: 拍卖师

8.to call out bids; 喊出拍卖的报价

9.to file for sth:1)(文中含义)(法律上正式)提出申请

* The Morrisons have filed for divorce:莫里斯夫妇已经提出离婚。

# to file for bankruptcy: 提出破产的申请

# file a complaint/ lawsuit (against somebody)针对sb提出投诉/诉讼

Mr Genoa filed a formal complaint against the department. Genoa先生正式投诉了这个部门。


* We began to file out into the car park. 我们开始排队进入停车场。* The mourners filed past the coffin. 吊唁者排队经过棺材。

The longest bull run in a century of art-market history ended on a dramatic note with a sale of 56 works by Damien Hirst, Beautiful Inside My Head Forever, at Sotheby’s in London on September 15th 2008. All but two pieces sold, fetching more

than £70m, a record for a sale by a single artist. It was a last victory. As the auctioneer called out bids, in New York one of the oldest banks on Wall Street, Lehman Brothers, filed for bankruptcy. 在2008年9月15日伦敦苏富比拍卖行举行的“在我心中,美丽永恒”拍卖会上,Damien Hirst的56部作品成功售出,随着这些作品的售出,艺术品市场一个世纪以来最长的牛市戏剧性地落幕了。所有作品中只有两件没有售出,销售额超过了7,000万英镑,创造了单个艺术家的拍卖纪录。这是最后的胜利。(因为)就在拍卖师喊出报价的时候,纽约华尔街上历史最悠久的银行之一雷曼兄弟申请破产。

10.momentum: (名词)势头,力量

#gain/gather momentum 集聚力量,发力

* The campaign for reform should start to gather momentum in the new year.改革活动应该在新年发力。

* Governments often lose momentum in their second term of office.一般政府在第二任期内会失去势头。

11.peak: 1)顶点2)(文中含义)巅峰

# at one’s peak: 在巅峰状态

12.to reckon: 1). 认为=think

* Do you reckon he'll agree to see us?你觉得他会同意我们吗?


* We reckon that sitting in traffic jams costs us around $9 billion a year in lost output。我们估算在交通堵塞中的损失达每年90亿美元。

13.A is double B : A是B的两倍

14.ego: (名词) 自我

15.greed: (名词)贪婪

greedy: 贪婪的

16.controversy: (名词)争议

controversial: 有争议的

17.to match: (动词)1).(文中含义)与….相当

* His strength is matched by his intelligence. 他的力量与智慧相当。


We painted the cabinets green to match the rug. 我们把壁橱油漆成绿色和地毯相匹配。

* Do you think this outfit matches? 你觉得这套衣服搭配得当吗?

注意:我们不说“matches to” or “matches with another”. 而是说“one thing matches another” or “two things match”.

The world art market had already been losing momentum for a while after rising
