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=========================================================================== I n t e r n a t i o n a l E t i q u e t t e T i p s Remember, no matter who you are, while visiting a foreign country, you are representing your nation and should act as an Ambassador would. Demonstrate integrity and respect and you will earn yourself and your country a good name. To work successfully with associates in another country, it's imperative to adjust to the style of the other person's culture. Simple research can make the difference between a successful interaction and a disastrous one. Why waste time, energy and money to expand globally before learning simple cultural differences before hand? Build Relationships: Anywhere in the world, and especially outside the U.S., it's important to first get to know the person(s) you're dealing with to build a bond of trust. Make time to develop relationships and you will be rewarded. Outside of the USA, societies are not accustomed to jumping straight down to business with the exception of the Germanic countries. It's considered "Appallingly American" and rude to begin a meeting by launching straight into what you want to accomplish and when you want it done by. Take your time and take a genuine interest in the foreign country, customs, and people, and doors will open! A drink or meal outside of the office will usually always provide a more relaxed atmosphere to build trust and gain more information than in a boardroom. Avoid discussing politics, religion, and personal affairs as a general rule. Communication Do's and Don’ts:

Do be polite and smile. In any language or country, nonverbal communication is often remembered longer than the verbal.

Do be a good listener. Ask interesting questions.

Don't boast too much about yourself or be too direct. Americans are very direct in their speech and don't beat around the bush with implied meanings and innuendoes. As a result, we're often considered uncultured and lacking in refinement.

Don't speak too loudly. Americans are notoriously loud and demanding.

Don't speak too quickly especially if English is not the first language of the person(s) you're talking with.

Don't assume that "yes" always signifies agreement, especially in Asian cultures. In order to save face, people will avoid saying "no".

In Buddhist cultures (much of Asia), do not point the bottom of your feet at another person, i.e.. When sitting. The feet bottoms are considered unclean and it is impolite to direct them towards people.

Meeting and Greeting:

Dress conservatively. Rarely do people dress as casually or as provocatively as in the U.S. Dressing formally shows respect for the person you're meeting with.

When making introductions in any culture, introduce the highest-ranking person first. Never call someone by the first name unless you are specifically asked to do so; virtually nowhere else is people as informal as in the United States.

When shaking hands, keep the hand pumping to a minimum - once is enough. Cheek kissing is sometimes acceptable when two people know each other very well and is common in Europe and Latin countries. In parts of South America for example, even businessmen can be seen pecking cheeks before or after a meeting as a sign of friendship. After working in Europe for a while you can judge on a case by case basis whether or not to kiss. If you do, it's generally once on the right cheek. In Belgium, it's three, in France, two. If you want to avoid kissing altogether, simply extend your hand for a handshake and the recipient will get the message.

Be careful not to violate a person's personal space and keep touching to a minimum. In Buddhist cultures, do not touch anyone's head, for example patting a child's head, as it is considered the sacred part of the body and touching is appropriate for family members only.

