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Final-Term Exam ination in Com prehensive English Cou rse English Departm ent, Beijing I nternational Studies University 学期:第四学期

PART I Text -Based Blank Filling (1 6 poi nts/ 1 point each)

Directions: Fill in the missing words in the following sentences

with the help of the initial letters. Make sure that the words are in the form as they appear in the texts you have learned in A New English Course, Student's Book 4. Please write down your answers on the Answer Sheet in their complete forms.

1 ? I found the boys whittling on my best salad spoon, and then they had the

n_ to say you suggested it.

2. To use an expression like u bags of fun,” we should need to

know Lady Jones well enough to be a ____ her by her first name?

3. When things quieted down, in a hushed silence, g ___ by a few ecstatic u Amens”,all the new young lambs were blessed in the name of God.

4. Why is marking up a book i ____ to reading? First, it keeps you awake ?

5. In 1 991 the World Wide Web d ____ , instantly bringing order

and clarity to the chaos that was cyberspace.

6? Man has tried to use this ecological knowledge by

d ___ bringing parasites or predators into an area wher

e they might control the numbers o

f some pests.

7. It was a s _______ feeling of rage and misery and protest that

expressed itself in the thought: if I had not come it would have died like this, so why should I interfere?

8? It is worth remembering that wind is as i ________ t o human health

as cold; for by disrupting the cushion of warmth which is trapped by pores and hairs of the skin, each knot of wind has in effect on life equal to a drop of one degree in temperature.

9. For there were not many buyers really - there was only one,

and he kept these agents in separate offices to give a s _____ of competition.

10. He gives us, without relation to exterior u events n, the

quintessential part of himself—that part which e _____ t he fullest and deepest expression of himself as a man and of his experience as a fellow being.

11. His voice was gen tie; you could not imagine that he could raise it

in anger; his smile was b ___ .

12. I fin ally took a d ___ pass, as they called it, and waited a year

and tried again.

13. The i ___ o f death among fetuses and offspring produced by

cloning is much higher than it is through natural reproduction.

14. Each time they grew louder he cheered under his breath
