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首先对设计地区的气象条件资料进行收集,根据铁路目标速度对线索材料进行了选择,再确定其悬挂类型。根据气象条件及线索材料计算负载。其次,根据最大受风偏移计算得到最大跨距;根据规程规定的锚段长度选择锚段,使其张力差要满足要求。然后, 对硬横跨进行分析选择。考虑到接触网将来可能的改进及预留,根据计算结果对接触网进行了相应的调整,以使本设计满足电气化铁路的技术要求。最后在上述原理的基础上,对嘉峪关车站接触网进行CAD平面设计,并对具有代表性的支柱进行了容量的校验计算。在接触网平面图的表格栏里对地质情况、支柱类型、安装图号、侧面限界等进行相应的说明。




With the developme nt of social and econo mical tech no logy, the electrified railway is develop ing more and more rapidly. Our country also makes a related request for cate nary of electrified railway. This desig n is in ten ded to complete graphic desig n of cate nary for Jiayuguan station, and to draw its device assembly drawing and graphic draft.

Firstly, the suspe nsion was selected after the Jiayugua n weather con diti on in formatio n was collected and clue material was sift. The load was calculated according to weather condition and clue material. Secondly, the maximum outreach is obtained from the wind shift. Anchoring section is chosen according to specified anchoring section to satisfy tension differe nee. Then, portal structure was an alyzed.The thesis con sideri ng the improveme nt and reserve in the future of cate nary carries out some corresp onding adjustme nts for the desig n of cate nary accord ing to the result of calculati on, so that the desig n could be conten ted with the tech ni cal requireme nts of the electrified railway. Fin ally, on the basis of the above prin ciple, this thesis concen trated on the graphic desig n of Jiayugua n stati on with CAD, also con ducted check computatio n for typical capacity of the pillars. Graphic desig n of cate nary in the form colu mn on the pillar type, geology, side gauge, in stall the corresp onding figure nu mber and other in struct ions.

Based on the basic tech ni cal prin ciple of cate nary and accord ing to the actual railway con diti on, this thesis completed graphic desig n of cate nary for Jiayugua n stati on, which could met the basic tech no logical dema nd of electrified railway.

Key Words: Catenary, Station, Graphic design


摘要........................................................................... .... Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 1J...目录........................................................................... III 1绪论. (1)

1.1工程背景 (1)

1.2设计范围 (1)

1.3设计目标 (1)

1.4设计依据 (1)

1.5本设计的主要工作 (1)

2气象资料 (3)

3设计计算 (4)

3.1主要线材选用 (4)

3.2接触网波动速度的计算 (4)

3.3接触悬挂类型及相关参数的选择 (5)

3.4接触网设计负载计算 (5)

3.4.1自重负载 (5)

3.4.2冰负载 (6)

3.4.3风负载 (6)

3.4.4合成负载 (7)

3.5接触网设计实际最大跨距计算 (7)

3.6全补偿链形悬挂锚段长度的计算 (8)

3.6.1直线区段 (8)

3.6.2曲线区段 (9)

3.7嘉峪关车站硬横跨结构 (10)

4绘制嘉峪关车站接触网平面设计图 (11)

4.1放图 (11)

4.2支柱的布置 (11)

4.3锚段的划分 (11)
