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he’s better = he is better Come upstairs
❤如果是离开说话者,用go! go upstairs (上
楼。说话者站在楼梯下部) 如果是靠近说或者, 用come!come upstairs (上楼。说话者站在楼 梯上部)
yet. 在现在完成时的句子中,already常用于肯
了吗? 3.用于肯定句中,意思是仍然、还得”。
例: she is yet a child. 她还是个孩子。
Lazy boys and girls
• 9点了, Mark也还没有起床。 • 10点了,Sherry也还没有吃早饭。 • 11点了,Christina也还没有刷牙。 • 12点了,Jimmy也还没有醒来(
➢speak有讲说,演讲等含义,或强调说的语言。 he speak French, can you speak English?
➢talk指交谈,谈论谋事。 They are talk about the music.
Language point
• Match ❤ n. 竞赛。 对手, 敌手。火柴。配对物一对
1)当宾语和主语是同一人的时候^^ Lucy is talking to herself. Enjoy yourself in the birthday party!
2)可以与名次连用,表示”就是那个人而不是别人 “的意思^^ we went there ourselves(我们自己去那儿了) They wanted to finish the work themselves. (他们想靠自己来完成这项工作)
相配的两个(或两个以上的)人(或物) 。 ❤ v. 使较量, 使比赛;相似;配对;和…不相
上下适应; (使)相配; (使)相称。 例:It's dangerous to play with matches.
The shirt and trousers are a perfect match. They made a good match.
• Is Tom can drink milk?
• Does she have temperature? • No, she doesn't have temperature.
• Does Jack like pig? • ...
• Does Frank eat 10 bananas a day? • ...
• Frank cleans two bathroom, Tony cleans three, and Sam cleans one. So...
• yet • 还,仍然。
• 1.用于否定句中,意思是还、尚、迄今、到那时 ”
• 2.用于疑问句中,意思是已经”。 例: Is everything ready yet ? 一切都准备好
• She has an earache. • ...?
• They go to school. • ...?
• He can swimming.
• Jack must cleans the Woman's washroom.
• Does Tina's baby must go to bed?
• Play 玩
So 如此地
• Match 火柴 Quickly 快地
• Talk 谈话 Lean out of 身体探出
• Library 图书馆 Break 打破
• Drive 开车
Noise 喧嚣声
Language point
➢tell着重指告诉。tell sb. sth
➢say着重指说,强调说话。 you say, she say.
wake uHale Waihona Puke Baidu)。
It's...,***haven't ......yet.
• rich • 油腻的
• rich food
Which is rich food, which is not?
• food • 食物(不可数)
• remain • 保持,继续
remain what?
Language point
don’t & mustn’t (都可以用来表示禁令) ↓
语气较强烈 例:Don’t take this medicine.
You mustn’t take this medicine.
• 反身代词o(≧v≦)o ❤ myself. yourself. herself. himself.~~
Language point
• Make a noise (搞出声响) ↓
❤抽象名词加不定冠词a并不意味着1~2~3等 等的数目,仅仅是赋予那个名词具体的含 义。 例:have a rest. take a look.
Language point
➢ Lean out of the window (把身子探出窗外) ↓
Lesson 63
• I have cold. • I have a
• He...
stomachache. • He...
• I feel ill. • She...
• I stay in bed. • Mr. Wong...
• He has a headache. • Does he have a headache?
• 时间表达法 ❤ past & to
在某个钟点的1到30分内,用past^^ 在某个钟点的31分到下一个整点,用to^^
※注意钟点和分钟转换时的表示~~ 6点47分=7点差13分 thirteen to seven
※表示在什么时间大多数都是用at. ※表示星期几和一天中的某段时间或日期用on.
• better • good--better--best
• Jimmy gets a duck from his mother, but Jack gets two ducks, so...
good, better, best
• Claire helps two children, Tina helps one child. So...
定句,yet常用于否定句和疑问句,但yet还有其 他用法···
• You look very well. • You are better now. • But you mustn't get up yet. • You must stay in bed for another two
Lesson 63