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七年级英语下册UNIT 4 练习题


I. 根据所给单词,填入一个正确的单词形式。

1. Yao Ming practices ______(play) basketball every day.

2. ______(not) talk.It’ s time for class.

3. My sister ____(have) to look after my mother at home today.

4. I have to go to the supermarket ______(late).

5.We often go to the ______(child) palace after school.


()1. There is _____milk on the floor.

A . too many B. too much C. much too D. many too

()2. There are ____rules in my family.

A. too many

B. too much

C. much too

D. many too

()3. Please help me _____ French.

A. speaking

B. to speaking

C. with peak

D. speak

()4. He often _____English with the foreign teachers.

A. practice speak

B. practices speak

C. practice speaking

D. practices speaking

()5. Don’t _____bed _____9 o’clock.

A. go, at

B. in, by

C. be in, by

D. go in, at

()6、___ she ___ clean the classroom today?

A. Does, has to

B. Does, have to

C. Does, has

D. Does, have

()7、Don’t _____TV too much after school.

A. watch

B. watching

C. to watch

D. to watching

()8、It’s very warm outside. You ____ wear the coat.

A. must

B. don’t have to

C. have to

D. mustn’t

()9、The gir l ___ red dress is my friend’s daughter.

A. with

B. wear

C. put on

D. in

()10、My mom ____carefully, but she ___ nothing.

A. listened, listened

B. heard, heard

C. listened, heard

D. heard, listened

()11、Does your father always wear ___?

A. uniform

B. an uniform

C. a uniform

D. two uniform

()12、--May I take the magazine out of the reading room ?

-No, you can’t.. You read it here .It’s the rule.

A. must

B. would

C. may

D. might

()13、_____ in the school library.

A. No talk

B. Not talking

C. No talking

D. Not talk

()14、He arrives _____ here _____ a cold night.

A. /;at

B. at; at

C. /;on

D. in;on

()16、We don’t know Jack _____ Bruce.

A. and

B. or

C. about

D. of

()17、Can she _____ clean the classroom today?

A. has to

B. have to

C. has

D. have

do you have to ?

5. late, can, arrive, for, we, not, school (连成一句)



1) 我们不能在教室里练习吉他。

We can’t _________ the guitar in the classroom.

2) 你必须在11点上床睡觉吗?

Do you have to ____ _____ ____ _____ 11:00?

3) 我从来没有任何乐趣。

I ______ have ______ fun.

4) 你认为那条规定怎么样?

_____ do you _____ ___ that rules?

5) 图书室里不许大声讲话。

No ______ _______ in the library.


()1 --Do I have to come back tomorrow?(2007武汉市中考题)

--Yes, you ____.

A. can

B. may

C. must

D. should

()2 --Must I finish the work today, Mom?

--N o, you __. You can finish it tomorrow.

A. mustn’t

B. can’t

C. shouldn’t

D. needn’t

()3.Don’t forget to __“Thank you”when someone has helped you.

A. speak

B. tell

C. say

D. talk

()4. Keep quiet, kids. Dad ____in the next room.(2007绍兴市中考题)

A. slept

B. sleeps

C. is sleeping

D. had slept
