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从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.Having left stage for many years,she is no longer Patty Duke,a famous star who ruled the screen in the 1960s.

A.the;the B.the:a C./;the D.a;the

2.He showed calmness and peace of mind,and this is he stood out in the game.A.when B.why C.that D.what

3.The man was fired because he to be punctual but was late again this morning.A.have promised B.promised C.promise D.had promised 4.The computer start,no matter how hard she tried.

A.shouldn’t B.couldn’t C.wouldn’t D.mightn’t 5.Cindy hopes to live a simple life she can explore the world alone rather than rush to all classes and trainings.

A.when B.which C.that D.where

6.The heavy fog lasted for three days,which left the highway temporarily. A.shutting down B.shut down

C.being shut down D.to be shut down

7.Mary only seems cold; you get to know her, she is nice.

A.but B.once C.until D.since

8. can be expert in some field unless he concentrates all his attention on it. A.Anybody B.Everybody C.Nobody D.Somebody

9.—It is quite me why she gave up such a good chance.

—You can go and ask her yourself.

A.beyond B.against C.across D.through 10.—Oh,goodness.How can I use the web chat software?

— . I know nothing about it.

A.That suits me fine B.You are welcome

C.Take your time D.You’ve got me there




October 3 1 st is fl holiday of spirit,known as Halloween.On that night,you’ll see children running all over the street, 11 all kinds of costumes.Some look like old witches,some like the beautiful Snow White,and some like l2 from films--Batman,Spider man,Superman…That night,lots of children go from door to door for candies.The neighbors have long been 13 with bags of chocolates,candies and fruits for children.

On the day before Halloween,Basil and his friend Bob 14 two small pumpkins.They used knives to turn the pumpkins into 15 ,and then they put small candles 16.On the night of Halloween,they 17 up,taking their pumpkin lanterns and empty bags to go out.

They knocked at the door of a house and said,“Trick or treat?’’The door was opened and a man with a smile stood at the door. He filled their bags with many candies.They thanked the man and went away 18. They went to another house.A white“ghost” with an ugly face came out.Basil and Bob were very 19 .They ran away quickly,shouting and laughing.

After returning home,they 20 out their candies.There were more than 100 candies in their bags! Basil and his friend had an exciting and happy Halloween this year.11.A.delivering B.1earning C.wearing D.watching 12.A.directors B.characters C.audience D.experiences 13.A.prepared B.moved C.connected D.brought

14.A.planted B.painted C.found D.borrowed

15.A.bowls B.sticks C.plates D.lanterns 16.A.upwards B.down C.aside D.inside

17.A.dressed B.rose C.grew D.looked

18.A.bravely B.happily C.seriously D.carefully

19.A.lucky B.friendly C.afraid D.upset

20.A.made B.counted C.ate D.sold


At that time,I was a housewife raising three small children.My life 21 around taking care of my children and finding ways to stretch a dime into a dollar to 22 the bills,but money was always 23 .

I really loved being with my kids and I willing to make whatever 24 for my kids,but I wanted to go to 25 and get my archaeology(考古学)degree.For several years,I had always said I was going to learn it 26 no one believed I actually would.So I eventually decided to give up my 27 .

One day my brother came to visit and 28 about our future.While chatting,I mentioned my 29 dream.Looking into my eyes with great expectation,he said“30?”

Over the next few weeks,I just kept 31 our conversation in my head.Yes,I could make a long list of reasons why I couldn’t become an archaeologist.Strangely,
