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1. --- Where's my book, please? --- ________, I don' t know.

A. Sorry

B. Thanks

C. No

D. Excuse me

2. --- Your pictures are very nice. --- ___________.

A. You are right

B. Thank you

C. You are OK

D. That's OK

3. --- Where is my soccer ball? --- It' s ______ the table ______the floor.

A. on, under

B. on, on

C. under, under

D. under, on

4. “I” ________ a word (单词) and a letter (字母).

A. be

B. is

C. am

D. are

5. --- What about playing basketball after class? --- ______________.

A. Thank you

B. That's all right

C. Sounds great

D. Yes, it's boring

6. I like _______ because they're funny.

A. comedy

B. the comedy

C. a comedy

D. comedies

7. --- Are these your English books? --- Yes, ________.

A. they're

B. they are

C. these are

D. they're not

8. Can you_______ a key to school______me?

A. take, to

B. need, to

C. bring, for

D. give, for

9. My mother likes volleyball. She thinks (认为) it is _______.

A. fun

B. boring

C. difficult

D. hard

10. Mary likes sports very much and she plays sports _______.

A. everyday

B. an every day

C. every day

D. every days

11. Let's _______ together.

A. play tennis

B. play the tennis

C. to play tennis

D. to play the tennis

12. --- Does Tom _______ an eraser? --- No. He ______have one.

A. have, don't

B. have, doesn't

C. has, don't

D. has, doesn't

13. Sue ______ sports every day.

A. play

B. playing

C. plays

D. to play

14. The picture is the wall.

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. to

15. The ruler on the bed. It’s on the floor.

A .is B. are C. not D. isn't 16. --- Can you spell your name, please? --- Yes, I .

A. do

B. can

C. can't

D. am

17. Beth isn't my sister. my cousin.

A. His

B. Her

C. She's

D. He's

18. --- Is this your bike? --- No, . It's bike.

A. this isn't, Li Lei's

B. this is, Li Lei's

C. it isn't, Li Lei's

D. it is, Li Lei's

19. --- Bob, is this jacket? --- Yes, is yellow.

A. you, it

B. your, it

C. your, its

D. his, its

20. --- Is Gina Miller your friend?

--- Yes, .

A. it is

B. he is

C. you are

D. she is


21. Bob is my friend. His t number is 398-9293.

22. Kate doesn't play basketball. She only w them on TV.

23. Boys and girls, please look up (查阅) this word in your d .

24. Volleyball is so d . I can't play it.

25. Work in pairs. Practice (练习) the four c with your partners.


26. Jim plays soccer after school. (改为否定句)

Jim __________ ___________ soccer after school.

27. The students are at school. (对画线部分提问)

_______ _______ the students?

28. Those are his sisters. (改为单数句)

_____ _____ his _______.

29. He has a very nice watch.(改为一般疑问句)

_____ he a very nice watch?

30. Here is my family photo. (改写同义句)

Here is photo_____ _____ _____ .

31. We play volleyball. (用Let's引导句型)

_____ _____ volleyball!

