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《英 语》试卷


2.请用黑色字迹的钢笔、签字笔或圆珠笔书写,并用2B 铅笔填图。




第一部分 英语知识运用 (共两节;满分30分)

第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共15小题,计15分)

1、There are n’t _______ pears, but we have _________apples.

A. any; any

B. some; some

C. some; any

D. any; some 2、----Excuse me, __________I open the door? ----Sure!

A. can

B. can’t

C. do

D. don’t 3、Would you like some tea? ---____________.

A. Yes, it is.

B. Yes, I like.

C. Yes, please.

D. I don’t know. 4、I invited my best friends______ my birthday party.

A. into

B. to

C. for

D. /

5、We’re having a party___ _eight o’clock___ _the afternoon____ New Year’s Day.

A. a t ,in, in

B. at, on, in

C. in, at, on

D. at, in, on 6.---What is he doing? ----He music.

A. listens

B. listens to

C. is listening

D. is listening to 7.The building is the bookstore. It ’s just the bank. A. first; beside B. one; besides C. first; besides D. one; beside 8.Please go to the airport subway.

A. with

B. by

C. use

D. sit

9. along the road and you will find the hotel your right. A. Go; on B. To go; at C. Go; at D. To go; on 10. I enjoy chess very much.

A. play

B. to play

C. playing

D. plays

11. I join the club next week.

A. want

B. like

C. am going to

D. going to 12. Xiao Ming is good at basketball.

A. play

B. to play

C. plays

D. playing 13. — Which do you prefer, coffee or coke?

—___________, thanks. I’d like only a cup of tea.

A. Either

B. Neither

C. Both

D. None 14. in a bus zone or you ’ll get a ticket.

A. Park

B. Parking

C. Don ’t park

D. No park 15. Be quite. The baby in the bedroom.

A. is sleeping

B. sleeping

C. sleeps

D. to sleep

第二节 语言应用(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

Part A 根据下列图片所提供的信息,从16~22题所给的三个选项(A 、B 、C )中,选出可以



You should________ when you enter this area.

A. avoid wearing face mask

B. wear face mask

C. needn’t wear face mask

17. From the screen capture, we know that seems to lose the Election of American President.

A. Biden

B. Trump

C. Obama

18. If you want to buy some coats that are worth$e Go E Wallet ,

just need________.

A. $158.2

B. $151.2

C. $153.2

19. The sign tells you that _________.

A. you can take photos here.

B. camera shooting is prohibited.

C. Use cellphone isn ’t allowed.

20. From the picture below ,we know _______.

A. Pinduoduo is the top shoping app worldwide.

B. McDonald ’s app is popular shopping app in May,2020 on APP store.

C. Taobao is one of the ten top shopping apps on Google Play Downloads.

21. The picture tell us .

A. How to use bicycle sharing

B. How to download OBIKE

C. How to use App

22. From the picture ,which statement is True ?
