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大学英语听说book3 答案

(Part A & Part B)

Unit 1 Reservations

Part A

Exercise 1

1-5 a c d a d

Exercise 2

Jack Smith

Rm 1008, Peach Hotel

9 tomorrow morning

West Lake Hotel, Hangzhou

Part B

Conversation 1

Exercise 1

1-5 a c a b a

Exercise 2

1. five rooms in total √

rooms on the top floor √

the best rooms in the hotel √

2. They damaged the hotel’s property. √

They talked rudely in the coffee shop. √

They did not pay the account when they left the hotel. √

Conversation 2

Exercise 1

1-5 b a d c a

Exercise 2

1.He is the woman’s favorite hairdresser. √

He has an appointment with another customer. √

He is a popular hairdresser at the Unisex Hairdresser. √

2. Tom is just as good as Marcel. √

Tom can quickly figure out the best style for a particular customer. √Tome has never done the woman’s hair before. √

Unit 2 Animals and Pets

Part A

Exercise 1

1. a

2. b

Part B

Conversation 1

Exercise 1

1-5 c d b d

Exercise 2

A Rottweiler: big, mean

A cat: clean, less than a dog, friendly

A parrot: more

A parakeet: Easy to keep, less, parrot, a little noisy

A gold fish: Quiet

A Story

Exercise 1

1-4. c b a c

Exercise 2

1.12-year-old bitch from a famer’s family.

2.two puppies just two months ago

3.for 12 tiger cubs since 5 years ago.

4.srong but she is smaller than the cubs.

5.enough milk for her own babies and the baby tigers.

6.her own children and takes good care of them.

Unit 3 Age

Part A

Exercise 1

1. Pulling on the birthday person’s ear 21 times.

2. To invite three very good friends out to dinner.

Part B

Conversation 1

Exercise 1

1-5 d c d c

Exercise 2

Amy: A successful doctor; 2 or 3 large clinics; a cure for some terrible disease

Brian: his own business; a chain of computer stores; branch stores in every major city in the country

Conversation 2

Exercise 1

1-5 c b a d c

Exercise 2

1.She is on the wrong side of 30/over 30.

2.Yes. It’s pretty good.


4.Between 25 and 30. Because by then you know what you want with life and how to get it.

5.They tend to be worried about consequences of what they do.

6.She had a good time but she wouldn’t necessarily want to relive it.

7.No. She’s happy at her age now.

Unit 4 Personal Budgets

Part A

Exercise 1

1-5 d c a d d

Exercise 2

1. weekly

2. fixed

3. fair

4. teenager

5. discs

6. an excellent way to teach their children the value of money

7. they learn to budget their expense

8. they will have no money to spend by the end of the week.

Part B

Conversation 1

Exercise 1

1-4 c b c b

Exercise 2


1)department stores, malls

2)outdoor markets


1)thrift store

2)things are on sale


1)fix things for himself


3)that are on sale

Conversation 2

Exercise 1

1-4 a c d b

Exercise 2

1.all her allowance for this month

2.go out and eat

3.send her a fixed sum of money regularly

4.work more, study

5.never made a monthly budget

Unit 5 Sports

Part A

Exercise 1

1-5 d a c c d

Exercise 2

1. playing a sport they like an essential part of their life.

2. keep fit.

3. live a more active life.
