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I was standing in the checkout line behind a woman who looked to be in her 60s.When it was her

41 to pay,the cashier greeted her by name and asked her how she was 42 .The woman looked down and said,“Not so 43 .My husband just lost his 44 and my son is up to his old tricks again.I don’t know how I’m going to 45 the holidays.”Then she gave the cashier food stareps.My heart 46 .I wanted to help bu t didn’t know how.As I walked into the parking lot.I 47 the woman returning her shopping cart,and I remembered something in my 48 that could help her in a different but 49 way.It wasn’t a handful of cash or a 50 on a job for her husband,but maybe-it would make her life 51 .

“Excuse me,”I said,my voice trembling a bit.“I couldn’t help overhearing what you said to the 52 .It sounds like you’re going through a really 53 time right now.I’m so sorry.I’d like to give you something.”

And I took a business-sized card out of my purse and 54 it to her.When the woman read the card’s only two words,she began to cry.And through her tears,she said 55 ,“You have no idea how much this 56 to me.”The words on the card:You Matter.

A few weeks earlier,a colleague gave me the same card as 57 for a project I was working on.When I read the card,I felt a warin glow 58 inside of me.Deeply touched.I came home and 59 my own box of You Matter cards and started 60 them too.

41.A.deal B.space C.turn D.choice

42.A.exercising B.doing C.working D.sleeping

43.A.bad B.safe C.good D.different

44.A.fame B.ability C.way D.job

45.A.get through B.give up C.apply for D.prepare for

46.A.ached B.burnt C.beat D.bled

47.A.heard B.felt C.kept D.spotted

48.A.car B.purse C.room D.mind

49.A.direct B.significant C.natural D.sensitive

50.A.1ead B.decision C.1ecture D.question

51.A.better B.busier C.poorer D.shorter

52.A.assistant B.boss C.cashier D.customer

53.A.fortunate B.peaceful C.hard D.normal

54.A.bought B.donated C.1ent D.handed

55.A.proudly B.excitedly C.desperately D.modestly

56.A.costs B.means C.proves D.measures 57.A.encouragement B.permission C.standard D.sympathy

58.A.fade B.deepen C.gather D.spread

59.A.so1d B.invented C.clarified D.ordered

60.A.printing B.evaluating C.sharing D.replacing




Sitting at table in my school cafeteria,I looked around,slowly taking in everything.For the first time in my life.I 41 that I had been seeing without seeing for the past two years.

Student after student passed my 42 carrying that day’s lunch,but if you looked deeper,there was more to 43 .There was more than just the uniform they were wearing or the way they had styled their 44 that day.There was a lot more hidden under the 45 .

Catching the eye of a girl in my grade sitting at a nearby table,I 46 politely.She smiled 47 and then continued to pick at the spaghetti in front of her.If I hadn't 48 recently that her mother was dying of leukemia.I would have never 49 anything was wrong and I may not have been as 50 and sympathetic,either.It suddenly 51 me that we judge others too quickly without knowing the whole story.I realized that everyone may have something 52 they are facing in their lives.

I have an incurable lung disease.No one at our school knows—I don’t show any noticeable 53 except for a few coughs here and there.I go about my day like any other kid,54 with the realization that I have a 55 and terrifying future.

Before that day when I decided to 56 the world with a new perspective.I 57 myself almost every day.I thought only about myself and my heavy 58 .But I've now realized that I am not the only one 59 :everyone has their own mountain to face.No one is 60 —we just need to accept each other the way we are.

41.A.promised B.realized C.pretended D.joked

42.A.order B.room C.table D.cafeteria

43,A.observe B.imagine C.compare D.exchange

44.A.diet B.clothing C.bicycle D.hair

45.A.surface B.uniform C.ru1es D.circumstances

46.A.said B.moved C.waved D.bowed

47.A.casually B.weakly C.happily D.impatiently

48.A.found B.noticed C.heard D.decided
