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人教版高中英语选修7知识点选修7 Unit 2复习

1. desire v.欲望;希望,请求 n.渴望;欲望

have a desire for sth 对某物的渴望

have a (strong) desire to do sth 迫切想做某事

desire (to do) sth 渴望(做)某事

desire sb to do sth 希望某人做某事


2. test out 考验;试验

test on 在……上做试验

test for 检测;探寻

3. sympathy n.同情;同情

feel sympathy for/towards = have sympathy for 同情in sympathy with 同情;赞成;和……一致

out of sympathy with 对……不同情;不赞成

4. accompany v.伴随;陪同;为……伴奏;配有

accompany sb to ... 陪某人到…… (to为介词) accompany sb at/on sth 用某物(尤指用钢琴)为……伴keep sb company 陪伴某人

注意:没有accompany sb to do sth这一结构。

5. “打电话”用语

call sb (up) = phone sb打电话给某人

give sb a ring/phone call 打电话给某人

ring off= hang up 挂断电话

6. declare v.宣布;声明;宣称;表明

declare作及物动词时,后面不可接不定式,可以接名词或that从句。declare sth 宣布某事

declare sb/sth(to be),adj. 宣布某人/某事……

declare for/against... 公开表示支持/反对……




They will declare the results of the election .

Our teacher will announce the results of the examination.

近义词辨析:affair/thing/matter/business (1)affair通常指重大事情或事物,并多用复数,有时也指一般事情/物。 Mind your own affairs.

foreign affairs

(2)thing事情,事物,东西的通称。thing一般不专指事物。 You must remember one thing—always behave yourself. (3)matter可指物质或事情、问题。它还常用来指“麻烦的事情”。 The universe is composed of matter. It is no laughing matter.

There is nothing the matter with her. (4)business作“事情”讲时,一般指公事、正事或商业事务。 He went to Beijing on business.


选修7 Unit 3复习

1. witness


She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed.

Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility.

(2)作名词,意为“目击者;证人”,常用于be (a) witness to/of


She is (a) witness of the accident. He has been (a) witness to a terrible murder.

2. drag n.拖,拖累 v.拖累,拖拉

drag sb away 把某人拖走

drag one’s feet 拖拉

drag oneself along (慢吞吞地)拖着脚走

drag sb down 使某人感到萎顿或沮丧

3. urge v.催促;极力主张;驱策;力促;力劝

urge sb to do (into doing) sth 力劝某人干某事


4. abandon v.放弃;遗弃;抛弃 n.放纵,无拘无束

abandon oneself to 沉溺于

abandon doing sth 放弃做某事

abandon one’s country/friend 背弃祖国/朋友

with abandon 放纵地;放任地

5. reflect v.映射;反射;思考

reflection n.印象;反射;思考;回忆

reflect on/upon sth 沉思某事

reflect well/badly on sth/sb 使给人好的/坏的印象

reflect sb/sth in sth (指镜子等)映出某人/物的影像

reflect sth from sth 从某物(表面)反射(光、热、声等)

6. aware adj.意识到的;知道的

be/become aware of sth 意识到某事(aware通常作表语)

be/become aware that ... 意识到……

as far as I’m aware 据我所知

awareness n.知道;认识;意识;兴趣


二者都可表示“意识到的”,都可用于be aware/conscious of结构。


I’m aware that she is dishonest. I suddenly felt aware of somebody watching me.


He is hurt but still conscious. 7. scare v.惊吓;使恐惧

scare sb to do sth 使某人害怕去做某事

scare sb into/out of doing sth 恐吓某人做/不做某事

scare sb away/off 把某人吓跑

be scared of (to do) 惊恐;恐惧

(be) scared to death 吓死了


8. help out 帮助某人摆脱困难,困境

help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事

help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事

cannot help doing sth 禁不住做某事
