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姓名 ____________ 班级 ______________ 分数 ___________


1. It takes Jack ________ hour to practice play ing ___________ volleyball every day.

A. a; / ______________

B. an; the __________ C . an; / _________ D. a; an

2. Amy thi nks hamburgers are not healthy, so she _______________ eats them.

A. seldom _________

B. always ____________

C. usually _________

D. o ften

3. Linda eats _________ rich food. She must cha nge her diet. A. too many B. too much

C. much too ___________

D. many too

4. This year the Christmas party of our school is _______________ 18:00 ______ Mo nday eve ning.

A. on; in

B. at; on _________________________________

C. at; in _____________

D. on; on

some milk and bread on the table. You

A. is; for

B. is; in

C. are; for ____________

D. are; in

can have them breakfast.

5. There

6. -- _______ does your brother watch TV every day? - For half an hour. A. How many B. How often C. How much __________ D. How long

late for school again. -- Sorry, I

A. isn ' t

B. doesn ' t be

8. -- Amy! Can you answer the phone? I ______________ th e dishes.

-- OK, m um. I ' m coming.

A. make ______________

B. am making __________

C. will make __________

D. Made

9. -- Can I have _____________ milk ? _________ in the fridge, A. some; some B. any; any C. some; any _______________ D. any; some

10. -- I ' ll go to Hainan with my parents fo r the winter holiday next week. -- Really? _______________ ! A. Have a good time B. Best wishes


11. 完 形填空

I ' m old, but I can still win ( 赢 ) many table tennis games. And you wi ll be surprised ( 惊讶

的 ) when you know my _____________________________ . I am 105 years old! People say

not ____ people can live so long. They often ask me _______ I can

keep healthy at 105. I think it ' s natural ( 自然的 ). Everyone can live to 105 if they eat healthily and __________________________________________ .

7. -- Millie, won 't.

C. don ' t be ___________

D. won ' t be

Sorry, there isn ' t

C. Congratulations

D. That ' s great

First of all, I think ___________ is very important. I often hav e milk and bread for breakfast at about 7:00 a.m., Milk and bread give me energy. So I don ' t often feel

_______ in the morning. I ___ eating snacks. I don

think they are healthy. I have som e rice and vegetables

for lunch and

supper. I don

' t eat meat. And _______________

__ meals,

I usually have an apple or a banana. People say an apple

a day ________ t he doctor away

I do some exercise, too. I don

' t think I am so old. I play table tennis or

badminton with my grandson every day. I feel I am young. Do you want young forever ( 永远)? I am sure you can if you have a good lifestyle. Just look at me.

1. A. age ___________ ___ B. name ___________________ C.

address __________

D. health

2. A. some __________ _ B. any ________________

___________________ C.

many ______________ ____ D. few

3. A. what __________ ___ B. when _____ __________________ C. where ___________________ ____________ D. how

4. A. play games B. get up late C. eat some meat

D. do some exercise

5. A. lunch _________

B. breakfast C . su pper _______________

D. dinner

6. A. happy _________ ____ B. sad ____

_____________________ C

hungry _____________ D. old 7. A. enjoy _________ B. love _________ ______________ C.

like ________________ ___ D. hate

8. A. at ____________ _ B. between___ _____ C. for ___________________

_____ D. in

9. A. keep ___________ B. keeps ______________________ C. to keep ____________ __ D. keeping

10.A. are ____ _____ B. be C. being D. to be


12. Hello, I ' m Simon. I wear a blue and yellow T

-shirt for the show. I

borrow ( 借) the T-shirt from my cousin Jack.

Hello, I ' m Sandy. I wear a pair of long red boots, a

red blouse and a black skirt for the show. They are the clothes from the 1990s. And I borrow the boots from my mother.

Hello, I 'm Daniel. I wear a purple scarf, a purple shirt, and white trousers today. They are my father

' s. They are smart.
