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杨鹏长难句最大的好处就是它不仅仅有翻译,还有句子类型分类,详细的句子分析和意群训练。所以前期在做题的时候最好严格按照老师教的方法,循序渐进,千万不要为了追求速度而囫囵吞枣,不求甚解,接下来小编就GMAT阅读长难句解析为大家介绍下,希望考生能够掌握,顺利备考GMAT 阅读考试。


The nonstarters were considered the ones who wanted stability, a strong referee to give them some position in the 'race, a regulative hand to calm manic speculation ; an authority that can call things to a halt, begin things again from compensatorily staggered “starting lines. ”


标志:The nonstarters were considered the ones ( who wanted ^ stability wanted a strong referee to give them some position in the race, ^ivho wanted a regulative hand to calm manic speculation; %ho wanted an authority that can call things to a halt, begin things again /from compensatorily staggered “starting lines”/).

译文:落伍者被认为是那些(需要稳定的人,需要一个强有力的仲裁者来在竞赛中给他们一个位置;一只调节性的手来制止住狂热的投机;一个权威来让事情停止,/ 从一个补偿性错开的“起跑线”上/重新开始)。

解释:主语nonstartei•指那些在竞争中失败的人,英文释义为someone or something that is not productive or effective;宾语the ones后面的、直到全句结束的以who引导的定语从句中出

现了4个列举,来说明被修饰的the ones的特点。正如笔者在前面讲过的那样,ETS的出题者在能用省略的地方都尽量的使用省略,因此后面的三个列举的前面都省略了与第一个列举中相同的who wanted。

最后的列举中出现了一个词组:compensatorily staggered “starting lines”,指体育竞赛中的短跑的跑道上起跑时的错开的起跑线。这里用来比喻在竞争中处于不利位置的人希望得到一个对其更为有利的规则的帮助。

意群训练:The nonstarters were considered the ones who wanted stability,a strong referee to give them some position in the race,a regulative hand to calm manic speculation ; an authority that can call things to a halt, begin things again from compensatorily staggered “starting lines. ”
