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He has pain in his teeth or jaw. (他的牙齒和下巴疼痛。)

He has some problems with his teeth. (他牙齒有問題。)

The tooth hurts only when he bites down on it. (他咬東西時,牙齒就痛。)

His gums are red and swollen. (他的牙床紅腫。)

His tongue is red and sore all over. (他的舌頭到處紅和痛。)

His breath smells bad and he has a foul taste in his mouth. (他口裡有怪味。)

His gums do bleed. (他牙床有出血。)

He has some sore swellings on his gum or jaw. (他的牙床和下巴腫痛。)

He has sore places on or around the lip. (他的嘴唇和周圍都很痛。)

There are cracks at the corners of his mouth. (他的嘴巴角落破了。)

There are some discolored areas inside on his tongue. (他舌頭裡邊有些地方顏色怪怪的。)

My tooth is aching again.(我的牙又疼了。)

One of my teeth is trouble me.(我有一颗牙疼。)

I have got ankawful toothach .It kept me awake the whole night.(我得牙很疼,整晚都睡不着觉。)

One of my incisors [in'saizə] is loose and aching.(我的一颗门牙松动而且疼。)

This tooth on the lower jaw is sensitive to heat and hot.(下颌的这颗牙对冷热很敏感。)

I think one of the back ones at the top is giving most of trouble.(我觉得上排有一个后牙疼的最厉害。)

I suffer pain when my teeth are exposed to heat.(我的牙碰到热时感到疼痛。)

There are several painful spots in my mouth,and salty and sour things make it sting.(我嘴里有几块地方疼,咸的和酸的都蜇着疼。)

I have a burning and thickening sensation in my mouth.(我嘴里有灼热和增厚的感觉。)

I can't lift my right arm.

I cough a great deal at night .

I don't feel like eating anything.

I feel a bit off color.

I feel a pain in my left leg.

I feel absolutely rotten. 虚弱

I feel chilly. 畏寒

I feel dizzy and I've got no appetite. 头晕

I feel feverish. 发热

I feel hot and cold. 畏寒发热

I feel like I'm burning up.

I feel like vomiting. 呕吐

I feel poorly.

I feel rather unwell.

I feel shivery and I've got a sore throat. 寒战喉痛

I feel sick.

I feel so ill.

I feel very bad.

I feel a dull pain in the stomach. 钝痛

I have a headache.

I have a splitting headache头痛欲裂.

I have a stomach-ache.

I have a stuffed-up nose. 鼻塞

I just feel all pooped out. 非常疲乏

I keep feeling dizzy. 眩晕

I really feel terrible.

I seem to have pain all over.

I think I'm dying.

I tried some sleeping pills, but they have done nothing for me.

I'm a bit stuffed up.

I'm aching all over.

I'm afraid I've got a temperature.

I'm feeling rather out of sorts these days .

I'm having some trouble sleeping.

I'm rather sick.

I'm running a fever.

I'm running a temperature .

I'm suffering from insomnia.

I'm under the weather.身体不适,人不太舒服

It all began yesterday.

It came on last night.

It hurts terrible.

It keeps hanging on.

It sort of hung on.

二、Seeing the doctor 看医生

1、What's your trouble/complaint?


I'm not quite myself today.


2、What is troubling/bothering you?


I've been feeling bad for two days.


3、What are the symptoms?


I have a cough and get a high temperature.


4、What should I do?I feel terribly awful.


It doesn't matter. It's only a cold. I'll give you some medcine.You'd better stay in bed for a couple
