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1.He went to the cinema yesterday and ______.

A.so did his sister B.so his sister did C.so was his sister D.so his sister was 2.Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away__________.

A.fleeing the thief B.was flee the thief

C.was thief fled D.fled the thief

3.Never again ______ political office after his 1928 defeat for the presidency.

A.Alfred E. Smith seriously sought B.did Alfred E. Smith seriously sought C.when did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek D.did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek 4.Only when he reached the tea-house _________ it was the same place he’d been in last year. A.he realized B.he did realize

C.realized he D.did he realize

5.Typically, with high-status and well-paid jobs ________ far more pressure than assumed. A.are coming B.is coming C.come D.comes

6.When we Chinese need help in a foreign land, at our back ____ a strong motherland.

A.will stand B.stands C.is standing D.stood

7.Mum is coming. What present________ for your birthday?

A.you expect she has got

B.you expect has she got

C.do you expect she has got

D.do you expect has she got

8.o the association of success with money that the thought of giving up good salary for an idea seems like a little bit crazy.

A.Accustomed as are most of us B.Accustomed as most of us are

C.So accustomed are most of us D.So accustomed most of us are

9._______both sides accept the agreement __________ a lasting peace be established in this region.

A.Only if; will B.If only; would

C.Should; will D.Unless; would

10.—With this New Year_______ new challenges.

一Sure. Global economy remains uncertain, and many countries continue to struggle. A.comes B.will come

C.is coming D.come

11.______ the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctica Circle, ______he never saw land.

A.Until, while B.Since, and C.Not until, but D.Although, yet 12.Not until I shouted at the top of my voice ______ his head.

A.that he turned B.did he turn C.he didn’t turn D.had he turned 13.We run after happiness, thinking one day we will find it. But it by looking for it.

A.rarely will we find B.rarely we will find C.rarely will find we D.rarely find we will 14.________,she can help Mother do housework.

A.As my sister is a child B.A child as my sister is

C.Child as is my sister D.Child as my sister is

15.______, his ideas was accepted by all the people at the meeting.

A.Strange as might it sound B.As it might sound strange

C.As strange it might sound D.Strange as it might sound

16.Out of suffering _________.

A.have emerged the strongest souls B.emerged the strongest souls have C.have the strongest souls emerged D.the strongest souls have emerged

17._____ on smart phones for communication, relaxation and information that people play phones while walking and eating.

A.Such is the dependence B.Such dependence does

C.So they are dependent D.So did they depend

18.Never before ____________ seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert. A.had she B.she had

C.has she D.she has

19.________ in a tiny cabinet were four Mother’s Day poems I’d written for her in the 1960s. A.Hidden B.Hiding C.Being hidden D.To be hidden 20.—Did Linda see the traffic accident?

—No, no sooner ________ than it happened.

A.had she gone B.she had gone

C.has she gone D.she has gone

21.We all see Zhao Wei’s performance skills, yet littl e _____attention to her singing talent. A.do we pay B.we paid C.had we paid D.we have paid 22.At the foot of the mountain ______ where he once lived.

A.lies a village B.a village lies C.does a village lie D.lie a village 23.Only after his death _______ considered correct.

A.his theory was B.was his theory C.did his theory D.had his theory 24.Only after talking to two students__________that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.

A.I did discover B.did I discover

C.I discovered D.discovered I

25.You may not have noticed that problem, but you could never withdraw it ______ regretful about your decision.

A.should you feel B.you should feel

C.had you left D.you had left

