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Part I


Direct ions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minu tes to write on essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss what qualities an employer should look for in job applicants.

You should give sound argume nts to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more tha n 200 words.


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For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief descripti on of the picture and the n discuss whether tech no logy is indispensable in education. You should give sound arguments to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more tha n 200 words.

From this cartoon, we clearly see that the student is asking his teacher about whether or not he can use some tech support to figure out the problem in his math class. W'ts beh ind the carto on is the fact that no wadays stude nts become in creas in gly depe ndenton tech no logical devices to help them with their school work.

In my opi nio n, with the adva nces in tech no logy, stude nts can lear n more efficie ntly. First of all,

technology provides infinite resources for learning. When our parents were students, they could only learn from their teachers, while nowadays, we can learn much more from the Internet. Second, it 's more convenient to learn with tech support. For example, I got enrolled in a Spanish class in an online school called Hujiang Online Class. All it requires is a PC or a smartphone, and I can learn the lectures anytime and anywhere. Lastly, it 's more economical to learn online. Besides the courses, free Apps are also easily accessible.

As for me, tech support has become an important part in my daily study. I will continue to learn in this way, and I believe that we can learn more efficiently if we are able to utilize the technologies around us.


The picture vividly depicts that a teaching is asking a pupil to answer a simple math-related question——what' s two plus two? Unfortunately, the child cannot answer such an easy question without tech help. In fact, the phenomenon conveyed in the picture does not surprise us, because as the science and technology develops, the topic concerning the side effects of technological advancement increasingly arouses peop'le s attention.

Undoubtedly, the drawer of the picture aims at reminding us that we should use technology in a proper way and not be too tech-dependent to solve the simple problem independently. It is well known that thanks to the development of human civilization, many formerly unimaginable things come into reality. But, while enjoying the convenience produced by tech, we must alert its harm. Being over-addicted to technology will cost our health, independence, wisdom,creativity and even our ability to live.

Weighing the pros and cons of the technology, perhaps the best policy is to apply it properly. At the same time, we must avoid its harmful part. Furthermore, young people should be advised that depending too much on technology is hardly beneficial for them at all and more importantly they are expected to acquire the capacity to think independently.

范文译文:这幅图形象地描述了一位老师正在让一名小学生回答一个简单的数学问题:2 加2 等于几?然而不幸的是,这个小孩在没有计算器的帮助下居然无法回答一个如此简单的问题。事实







As is shown in the picture, a teacher is asking a student a very easy math question of 2+2, but surprisingly, he answers that he is going to use technology to solve this problem. Simple as the picture is , it makes us consider whether technology is necessary in education.

As far as I am concerned, the technology is useful in our education. There are several reasons responsible for my arguments. First and foremost, it can help students have access to the wide range of information. For example, the teacher not only can present the contents through PPT but also show students pictures and videos, and let students accept and understand what they learn easily.

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