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2006-NO.7-《still fantasy 》 《依然范特西》
夜的第七章Twilight's Chapter Seven 听妈妈的话 Listen To Mother's Words 千里之外 Faraway 本草纲目Herbalist's Manual 退后 红模仿 Red Imitation 心雨 白色风车White Windmills 迷迭香Rosemary 菊花台 Chrysanthemum Terrace
Jacky Wu is a talent scout(伯 乐) for Jay.
Jacky Wu(吴宗宪) discovered that Jay had a musical talent(天赋) after seeing his composition in a competition.
In 2000, he released his first album(专辑) <JAY>.
手牵手一步两步 三步四步望着天 看星星一颗两颗 三颗四颗连成线 背着背默默许下 心愿 看远方的 星是否听的见 手牵手一步两步 三步四步望着天 看星星一颗两颗 三颗四颗连成线 背着背默默许下 心愿 看远方的 星如果听的见 它一定实现。
Hand in hand, step by step looking at the sky One two three four stars into line Making a wish, To see distant stars is audible. Hand in hand, step by step looking at the sky One two three four stars into line Promise silently back to back.If the distant star can hear,it must be realized.
可爱女人 Lovely lady 完美主义 Perfection 星晴 娘子 斗牛 黑色幽默 伊斯坦堡 Islamabad 印地安老斑鸠 龙卷风 Tornado 反方向的钟
2001- NO.2 《fantasy 》 爱在西元前
爸我回来了 Dad, I am back 简单爱 Simple Love 忍者 Ninja 开不了口 上海一九四三 对不起 Sorry 威廉古堡 双截棍 Nunchucks 安静 Silence •Jay's second album 《fantasy 》 fully reflecting abundant Jay thought, his unique imagination space can be said to constitute the main driving force behind this album.
Many years had passed,do you still remember your childhood?
a group of partners, you called each other brother.A girl or a boy ,you can talk about anything. You played together or even quarreled.
2011-NO.11《Exclamation points》 《惊叹号》
• 惊叹号 皮影戏 mine mine 琴伤 疗伤烧肉粽 你好吗 超跑女神 水手怕水 公主病 世界未末日
《Jay》,2000年11月7日 《范特西》,2001年9月1日 《八度空间》,2002年7月19日 《叶惠美》,2003年7月31日 《七里香》,2004年8月3日 《十一月的萧邦》,2005年11月 1日 《依然范特西》,2006年9月5日 《我很忙》,2007年11月2日 《魔杰座》,2008年10月15日 《跨时代》,2010年5月18日 《惊叹号》,2011年11月11日
2003-NO4.-《Ye Hui mei 《叶惠美》 》
——Named after the mother's name
以父之名 懦夫 Coward 晴天 Fine Day 三年二班 东风破 你听得到 同一种调调 她的睫毛 爱情悬崖 梯田 Terrace fields 双刀
2004-NO5.-《Qili fragrance 》 《七里香》
The lyrics(歌词) of his songs are written by his long term partner Fangwenshan. They put the Chinese style(中国风) to carry forward(发扬光大).
Dandelion„s Promise
•周杰伦的第二张专辑「范特西」,充分反射出杰 伦思绪充沛的一面,他独特的想像空间,可说是 构成此张专辑的主要原动力。
2002-NO.3《八度空间》 --《Eight-dimensional 》
半兽人 半岛铁盒Iron Box Of An Island 暗号 龙拳 Dragon Fist 火车叨位去 分裂(内地名离开)Split 爷爷泡的茶 回到过去 米兰的小铁匠 最后的战役 The Last Campaign
In fact ,every song is a story, and it can Remind you of past events, give you a vision or a feeling of happiness. Sometimes, it also give people the power of encouragement, such as snails this song.
在走廊上罚站打手心, 我们却注意窗边的 蜻蜓,我去到哪里 你都跟很紧, 很多 的梦在等待着进行。 一起长大的约定, 那样真心,与你聊 不完的曾经,而我 已经分不清,你是 友情, 还是错过的 爱情…

Promise grown in my heart. Sincere as we are. Chat the past with you without end.Yet what I can't tell is whether it‟s friendship or through my fingers your love
Personal introduction
English Name: Jay Chou Birthday: 1979-01-18 Height: 173 Centimeter Weight: 60 Kilogram Blood Group(血型): O Hobby: Made songs, See films, Play basketball, Play computer games… Constellation(星座): Capricorn(魔羯座) Music Style: R&B Jay‟s favorite sports: Play basketball… Jay‟s favorite music style: R&B, HipHop… Jay‟s favorite color: Blue. Jay‟s favorite food: Chicken, Almost things about chicken… Jay‟s favorite actor/actress: Jet Li. Jay‟s wish: Travel around the world.
In twelve years,he issued(发行) eleven album(专 辑).
2005 2006 2007
2010 2011
Jay and his mother : Ye Huimei
As a small child, he showed a special sensitivity towards music. His mother enrolled (使加入) Jay in piano lessons when he was three years old.
2008-NO.9-《Magic Kit》 《魔杰座》
龙战骑士 给我一首歌的时间 蛇舞 花海 魔术先生 说好的幸福呢 兰亭序 流浪诗人 时光机 乔克叔叔 稻香 Rice Fragrance
跨时代 说了再见 烟花易冷 好久不见 雨下一整晚 嘻哈空姐(台版) 我落泪· 情绪零碎 爱的飞行日记 自导自演 超人不会飞
I like the spirit of the snail. When I'm faced with difficulties. I will occasionally listen to this song to inspire myself. “ Let the wind blow through the tears” If we stick to, we must be able to see the rainbow after the rain .
Imagination is still infinity, you feeling still says no, music is still fantasy life
2007-NO.8《on the run》 《我很忙》
牛仔很忙 彩虹 rainbow 青花瓷 阳光宅男 蒲公英的约定 无双 我不配(距离) 扯 甜甜的 最长的电影
我的地盘 My Territory 七里香 借口 Excuse 外婆Maternal grandmother 将军 搁浅 乱舞春秋 困兽之斗 园游会 止战之殇
2005-NO6.-《November Chopin 》 《十一月的萧邦》
夜曲 Nocturne 蓝色风暴 Blue Storm 发如雪 Hair Like Snow 黑色毛衣Black Sweater 四面楚歌 Besieged From All Sides 枫 浪漫手机 逆鳞 Reverse Scales 麦芽糖 Maltose Candy 珊瑚海Coral Sea 飘移 一路向北
Leabharlann Baidu
我要一步一步往 上爬 等待阳光 静静看着它的脸 小小的天有大大 的梦想 重重的 壳挂着轻轻的仰 望 我要一步一步往 上爬 在最高点 撑着夜往前飞越 让风吹干流过的 泪痕 总有一天 我要属于我的天
I will climb up step by step Wait for the sunshine to look at its face quietly The small day has the big dream The heavy shell is hanging gently looking up to I will climb up step by step Hang in there at the highest point forward through the night flying over Let the wind blow through the tears One day I want to belong to my day
•In July 2002, Jay once again shows his amazing music fantasy, he tries to put his own fantasy pattern more expanded, and Chinese pop music music standards push one layer!
2010-NO.10《Crossage》 《跨时代》
10 years, creative and constantly Jay continues to stride across to the next stage, he said: "I hope that my music is like a vampire, never old! Across the era Beyond generations! ”