词汇课18 课堂笔记-掌握和单词 line 相关的词汇

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词汇记忆 第18节


1、掌握和单词line 相关的词汇

2、掌握和单词limit 相关的词汇

line [laɪn] n. 绳;排;路线,航线 277 lineage ['lɪnɪɪdʒ] n. 血统;家系,世系 9244

词源:late 17c., from Middle English linage "line of descent; an ancestor" (c. 1300), from Old French lignage "descent, extraction, race" (11c.), from ligne "line," from Latin linea"line of descent," literally "string, line, thread" (see line (n.)). The word altered in spelling and pronunciation in early Modern English, apparently by some combined influence of line (n.) and lineal.

linebacker ['laɪnbækə] n.(美式橄榄球中的)线卫,中后卫

6731 释义和用法:

(N-COUNT) (美式橄榄球中的)线卫,中后卫 In American football, a linebacker is a player who tries to stop members of the other team from scoring by tackling them.

lined [laɪnd] adj. 有内衬的;有皱纹的 17618 释义和用法:

1)有皱纹的 If someone's face or skin is lined, it has lines on it as a result of old age, tiredness, worry, or illness.

2)(of clothes 衣服) having a lining inside them 有衬里的;有内衬的

lining ['laɪnɪŋ] n. 衬里;内层;衬套 9641 lineman ['laɪnmən] n.(美式足球的)前锋;线上的队员;电线架设工人 9457 linen ['lɪnɪn] n. 亚麻布,亚麻线;亚麻制品 6094 liner ['laɪnə] n. 邮轮,客轮;衬里;内衬 7628 释义和用法:

1)(尤指度假时乘坐的)邮轮,客轮 A liner is a large ship in which people travel long distances, especially on holiday.

airliner['eəlaɪnə]n. 班机;大型客机12244

coastline['kəʊs(t)laɪn] n. 海岸线10471

frontline['frʌntlain] n. 前线14367

front-line['frʌnt'lain] adj. 前线的19610 guideline['gaɪdlaɪn] n. 指导方针3089

hairline['heəlaɪn]n. 极细的线;发际线;细缝16306

hard-line['hɑ:dlain] adj. 主张采取强硬路线的,毫不妥协的,采强硬态度的12093

hard-liner['hɑ:d'lainə] n. 主张采取强硬路线的人;不妥协者12787 headline['hedlaɪn]n. 大标题;内容提要;栏外标题;头版头条新闻3320 headliner['hedlaɪnə] n.(演出中的)主要演员,主角;写标题的记者20030


(N-COUNT) (演出中的)主要演员,主角 A headliner is the main performer or group of performers in a show.

hotline['hɑtlaɪn]n. 热线电话,咨询电话;热线13842

jetliner['dʒetlaɪnə] n. 大型喷气式飞机(尤指客机)19859

lifeline ['laɪflaɪn] n. 生命线;救生索 14318 nonlinear [nɒn'lɪnɪə] adj. [电]非线性的 14277 online [ɒn'laɪn] n. [计]在线;联机 2277

outline ['aʊtlaɪn] n. 轮廓;大纲;概要;略图


助记:out (外面、突出)+line

(行、线、轮廓)→最突出的几行→提纲;概要;概述 pipeline ['paɪplaɪn] n. 管道;传递途径;输油管 5242 shoreline

['ʃɔːlaɪn] n. 海岸线;湖滨线;河岸线 9503


['skaɪlaɪn] n . 地平线;空中轮廓线;架空索 9737 streamlined ['striːmlaɪnd] adj. 流线型的;最新型的;改进的 15115 timeline ['taɪmlaɪn] n. 时间轴;(尤指历史事件)年表 12645 tree-lined ['tri:laind] adj. 旁边(或两旁)有树的;绿树成荫的 18574 underline [ˌʌndəˈlaɪn] vt. 强调;在…下面划线;预告 9914 mainline ['meɪn,laɪn] adj. 主线的;主流的; v. 静脉注射 14441 释义和用法:

V-T/V-I If people mainline a drug or if they mainline, they inject an illegal drug into themselves. 静脉注射


(N-COUNT) (连衣裙;女衬衫等的) 领口;开领The neckline of a dress, blouse, or other piece of clothing is the edge that goes around your neck, especially the front part of it.
