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1.起立stand up

2.坐下sit down

3.谢谢你thank you

4.早上好good morning

5.下午好good afternoon

6.晚上好good evening

7.晚安good night

8.我的朋友my friend(s)

9.我的老师my teacher(s)

10.用英语in English

11.我的教室my classroom

12.我的身体my body

13.摸摸你的鼻子touch your nose

14.多少how many

15.十张课桌ten desks

16.一只钢笔a/one pen

17.三棵树three trees

18.一只耳朵an ear

19.一只眼睛an eye

20.一条手臂an arm

21.七只猫seven cats

22.六把椅子six chairs

23.什么颜色what colour

24.蓝色的花blue flowers

25.一分one point

26.在椅子上on the chair

27.在床下under the bed

28.在包里in the bag

29.最喜欢的食物favourite food

30.在床上on the bed

31.你的苹果your apple

32.三件红色的外套three red coats

33.一只黑色的鸟 a black bird

34.两只白色的猫two white cats

35.听音乐listen to music

36.玩电脑游戏play computer games

37.踢足球play football

38.看电视watch TV

39.最喜欢的体育项目favourite sports

40.骑车ride a bike 41.开车drive a car

42.弹钢琴play the piano

43.写中文write Chinese

44.说英语speak English

45.在春天in spring

46.在夏天in summer

47.在秋天in autumn

48.在冬天in winter

49.在伦敦in London

50.写英语write English

51.说汉语speak Chinese


Module 1

1.来自be from=come from

2.很高兴见到你nice to meet you

3.练习说英语practice speaking English

4.在一班in Class One

5.在黑板上写字write on the blackboard

6.姓family name

7.名given name

8.第一节英语课the first English lesson

9.我的/你的名字my/your name

10.一个大城市 a big city

11.好朋友good friends

12.几岁how old

13.十三岁thirteen years old

14.在我班in my class

15.读书read a book=read books

16.中文名字Chinese name

17.英文名字English name

18.一个新学生 a new student

19.介绍你自己introduce yourself Module 2

1.打篮球play basketball

2.打乒乓球play table tennis

3.打网球play tennis

4.骑马ride a horse


6. a photo of Miss Li= Miss Li’s photo


8.at Beijing International School

9.在北京in Beijing

10.在医院in/at a hospital

11.在学校at school


12.在家at home


14.工厂工人factory workers

15.工厂经理factory managers

16.宾馆经理hotel managers

17.贝蒂的父母Betty’s parents

18.一位英语老师an English teacher

19.你好吗? How are you ?

20.唱歌sing a song

21.在我们的学校in our school Module 3

1.在…隔壁…next to

2.在…前面…in front of


4.一块黑板 a blackboard

5.在李老师的桌上on Miss Li’s desk

6.一个办公室an office

7.一间科学实验室 a science lab

8.在一座建筑物里in a building

9.在体育馆的后面behind the gym

10.两个图书馆two libraries

11.在办公室前面in front of the office

12.在你校in your school

13.在教室里in the classroom

14.有there is / are

15.76名学生seventy-six students

16.在吉姆的学校in Jim’s family

17.在你和我后面behind you and me

18.在教室边上next to the classroom

19.英国的学校schools in the UK


21.welcome to our school

22.一张讲台 a teacher’s desk

23.李老师的包Miss Li’ bag

24.三个食堂three dinging halls

25.一些字典some dictionaries Module 4

1.在你家里in your family

2.多少人how many people

3.拥有have/has got

4.有(存在)there be


6.an aunt and an uncle

7.家谱family tree 8.他们的名字their names

9.两个大家庭two big families

10.和他一起在中国with him in China

11.一个美国朋友an American friend

12.一封电子邮件an email

13.在托尼的家庭里in Tony’s family


15.thank you for sth./doing sth.

16.在美国in America=in the USA

17.在中国in China

18.在英国in England=in the UK

19.兄弟姐妹brothers and sisters

20.小家庭 a small family

21.大家庭 a big family

22.南非South Africa

23.世界各地around the world

24.金一家the King family


26.my two grandparents

27.他的父母his parents


29.make a family tree for you family

30.我/我们拥有I/we have got

31.他/她拥有he/she has got

32.用英语写write in English Module 5

1.饮食food and drinks

2.蔬菜和水果vegetables and fruit

3.一个洋葱an onion

4.一些健康的食物some healthy food

5.某人最喜欢的食物one’s favourite food

6.吃肉和汉堡eat meat and hamburgers

7.一种不健康的饮料an unhealthy drink 8.喝中国茶drink Chinese tea

9.在冰箱里in the fridge

10.我最喜爱的水果my favourite fruit

11.喝苹果汁drink apple juice

12.糖和冰淇淋candy and ice cream

13.吃面条eat/have noodles

14.三个汉堡three hamburgers

15.一些米饭some rice

16.四个胡萝卜four carrots

17.一些鸡肉some chicken

18.三只小鸡three chickens
