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( )2. The man in brown is ____ father.
A. Lucy’s and Lily’s B. Lucy’s and Lily
C. Lucy and Lily’s D. Lucy and Lily
( )3. —____, Tom. Is this your pen?
c —No, it isn’t. I think it’s ____.
名词所有格详细讲解与练 习
含义:名词所有格表示所属关系,就 是 “……的” 的表达方式。 如:玛丽的儿子 Mary’s son.
学校的大门 the gate of the school
名词所有格可分为三种: 1、有生命名词的所有格 2、无生命名词的所有格 3、双重所有格
4、那些学生的书 those students’ books
5、这些工人的外套 these workers’ coats
6、那些男人的帽子 those men’s caps \ hats
7、那些老师的书桌 those teachers’ desks
8、那间教室的窗户 the windows of that classroom
D. Mike and John
c ( ) 5. ________ cell phone number is 13836798452.
A. Mary
B. Mary is
C. Mary’s
❖ 1. March 8th is ________ .(妇女节) ❖ Women’s Day
❖ 2. The children are wearing new clothes on____ .(儿童节那天)
❖ 2.双重属格与of属格的不同 ❖ 如: A. He is a friend of your husband's.
❖ B. He is a friend of your husband.
❖ 他是你丈夫的一个朋友。(强调你丈夫的朋 友不止一个)
❖ 他是你丈夫的朋友。(强调他与你丈夫的友 好关系)
❖ 可以从下边的情景对话中体会这种差别: ❖ ---Who told you that? ❖ ---A friend of your father's. ❖ ---If he says such things, he is not a friend of
’s还来自百度文库以表示某人的家或某个店铺 如:my aunt’s(我阿姨家) the doctor’s (诊所)
1、无生命名词所有格一般用“of+名词”的结构表 示。
如:the gate of the school 学校的大门 the door of the classroom 教室的门
)a friend of mine ❖ 6. The girl in red is ______.(是我姐姐的一个
❖ a good friend of my sister’s
❖ 1. The woman over there is _C___ mother.
A. Lily's and Lucy's B. Lily's and Lucy C. Lily and Lucy's D. Lily and Lucy
1.表部分:双重所有格由“of+名词所有格” 如:a friend of my father’s 我爸爸的一个朋友
a picture of her sister’s 她妹妹的一幅画 或“of+名词性物主代词”
如:a friend of mine 我的一个朋友 a book of mine 我的一本书
Helen’s classmates
10、那些警察的裤子 those policemen’s trousers
c ( )1. What is ____ name?
A. his teachers
B. her teachers
c C. his teacher’s
D. her teachers’
❖ A. child ❖ B. childrens' ❖ C. children ❖ D. children's
❖ 2. Did you hear the __B__ report?
❖ A. policemen ❖ B. policemen's ❖ C. policemens' ❖ D. policemens
❖ 3. There are some new books in the reading-room. They are _D___ books.
my father.
❖ 再如 ❖ a picture of Li's ❖ a picture of Li ❖ 李(所拥有)的一张照片 ❖ 一张李的照片
1、这个女孩的爷爷 the girl’s grandpa
Jim’s room
3、我奶奶的钱包 my grandma’s purse\ wallet
如:a、表时间:今天的报纸 二十分钟的路程 today’s newspaper twenty minutes' walk
b、表距离: 十英里的距离 ten miles’ distance
c、表国家、城市等实体:中国的未来 China’s future
❖ Children’s Day ❖ 3. This is _______.莉莉和露西的房间)
❖ Lily and Lucy’s room ❖ 4. They are ______.(莉莉和露西的房间)
Lily’s and Lucy’s rooms ❖ 5. The old teacher is___ . (是我的一个朋友
A. Excuse me; Jack
B. Sorry; Jack’s
C. Excuse me; Jack’s
D. Sorry; Jack
B ( )4. This is ____ desk.
A. Mike’s and John’s
B. Mike and John’s
C. Mike’s and John