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[1]There be句型,接真正主语,介词短语放后面,这儿有什么东西在什么地方

①这儿有十支铅笔在蓝色的盒子里。There are ten pencils in the blue box.

②这儿有足够的铅笔。There are enough pencils.

③这儿有很多的书在桌子上。There are many books on the desk.

④这儿有一台电脑在我的房间里。There is a puter in my room.

⑤这儿有足够的T裇衫给孩子们。There are enough the T-shirts for child.

⑥树上有许多小鸟。There are many birds in the tree.

⑦树上有许多香蕉。There are many bananas on the tree.


①让我们列一个购物清单。Lets make a shopping list.

②让我们带上我的跳绳。Lets take my skipping rope.


①我们在8点钟开始上课。My school starts at eight oclock.

②你应该吃蔬菜。You should eat veagetables.

③她感觉高兴。She feels happy.

④我们参观了许多地方。We visited lots of places.

⑤这是她的包。This is her bag.


①昨天我没有骑自行车。I didnt ride a bike yesterday.

②这个老人没有坐下。This old man don‘t sit down.

③我们不应该在教室里下棋。We shouldnt play chess in the class.

④我根本不能做2。I cant do 2 at all.





①他们照相了吗?Did they take photos?

②你有一个中国风筝吗?Have you got a Chinese kite?

③你感觉无聊吗?Are you feeling bored?


①My sister has got a beautiful ________.

②We had rice, meat and ________ for lunch.

③Do you want some ________ ?

④Last week, I ran 100 ________ .

⑤Did you eat ________ yesterday?

⑥Do you like ________ ?

⑦Her ________ is very beautiful.


萨姆去了哪里?Where did Sam go?

②这些是谁的书包?Whose bags are these?

③昨天玲玲去了哪里?Where did Lingling go yesterday?

④你什么时间起床?What time do you get up?

⑤你感觉怎么样?How do you feel?

⑥你们什么时候回来?When did you e back?

⑦这是谁的连衣裙?Whose dress is this?

⑧你什么时间上学?What time do you go to school?

⑨大明做了什么?What does Daming do?

⑩你想要多少肉?How much meat do you want?


①到时间起床了。up Its time to get up.

②我参观了许多地方。ofI visited lots of places.

③我乘公共汽车回家。byI go home by bus.

④大明照了一张他爸爸的相。ofDaming took a photo of his father.

⑤他们去了那里在十点钟at在早晨in在周末atThey go there at ten oclock.

⑥听收音机。toListen to the radio.

⑦让我们买一公斤肉。ofLets buy one kilo of meat.

⑧玲玲,你想成为在我们的足球队里吗?in Lingling,

do you want to be in our football team?

⑨她擅长跳舞。atShe is good at dancing.

⑩John居住在上海。inJohn lived in Shanghai.


I―――—me――― my――――mine

You―――you――― your―――yours

He――― him―――his―――—his

She―――her――― her――― hers

①他拿了我的T裇衫 He took my T-shirt.

②它不是他的,它是我的。Its not his.but it is mine.
