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英 语



第一部分 听力技能 (共20小题,计20分)


听对话,选择相应的图片或正确的答案。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。 1. What are they talking about ?




2. What does the woman like ?




3. Where are the speakers ? A. At home.

B. At school.

C. In a shop.

4. Whose school bag is this ? A. Mary ’s.

B. Gina ’s.

C. Jane ’s.

5. What time is it now ? A. 1:30.

B. 2:00.

C. 2:30.


听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2~3个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6,7小题。

6. What ’s the relationship (关系) between the two speakers ? A. Father and daughter. B. Teacher and student. C. Doctor and patient.

7. What will the woman do to relax ? A. Go shopping.

B. Listen to music.

C. Do some reading.

听下面一段对话,回答第8,9小题。 8. What are they talking about ? A. A competition.

B. An exam.

C. A movie.

9. How does Li Hai learn English ? A. By making note cards. B. By watching English movies. C. By talking with foreign friends. 听下面一段对话,回答第10,11小题。 10. Which bus can the woman take ? A. No. 6.

B. No. 7.

C. No. 8.

11. Where will the woman take the bus ? A. Next to the hotel.

B. In front of the post office.

C. Behind the library.

听下面一段对话, 回答第12至14小题。 12. What did Tony do last night ? A. He had a dream.

B. He walked to the park.

C. He did his homework.

13. What ’s the robot like ? A. Funny and smart. B. Smart but lazy. C. Boring and lazy. 14. What were they doing in the park ? A. Having a picnic.

B. Taking photos.

C. Flying kites

听下面一段对话, 回答第15至17小题。 15. Why does the woman want to find the man ?

A. To say thanks.

B. To say sorry.

C. To say goodbye.

16. What was wrong with the woman ? A. She had a bad cold.

B. She had a bad stomachache.

C. She had a bad headache. 17. What color was the man ’s car ? A. Black.

B. Blue.

C. White.

听下面一段独白,回答第18至20小题。 18. Where is Tina from ? A. Paris.

B. New York.

C. London.









毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________

19. What does Tina have to do after breakfast?

A. Clean the house.

B. Wash the dishes.

C. Make the bed.

20. What does Tina think of all the rules?

A. Terrible.

B. Strange.

C. Helpful.


第一节语法填空(共10小题, 计10分)


21. I have ________ eight-month-old sister and she is very lovely.

A. a

B. an

C. the

22. —Look! Trees are green and flowers are everywhere.

—________ beautiful place it is!

A. How a

B. What

C. What a

23. Did you see the sign "No Swimming"?You ________ swim in this river.

A. needn’t

B. mustn’t

C. don’t have to

24. Chinese ________ by more and more people around the world.

A. is spoken

B. speak

C. speaking

25. —Mum, I’d like a cup of coffee.

—Dear, why not drink some water?It’s ________ than coffee.

A. healthy

B. healthier

C. the healthiest

26. —Could you tell me ________ you will start your vacation?

—In a week.

A. how

B. what

C. when

27. ________ to turn off all the lights when you go out.

A. Remember

B. To remember

C. Remembering

28. My cousin ________ 100 model planes since 2015.

A. collects

B. is collecting

C. has collected

29. ________ a clock on my desk. It wakes me up every day.

A. There are

B. There be

C. There is

30. She was ________ excited at the news that she couldn’t say a word.

A. so

B. very

C. such



Tom and Bertie were students at a boarding school (寄宿学校). Both were sad because they had to stay at school over the 31 holiday. Tom’s parents were far away from home. Bertie’s sister was 32 , so he couldn’t go home until she was well.

The day before Christmas, the boys were 33 fairies(精灵): whether they were somewhere to make them happy over the Christmas. 34 , Tom’s aunt, Laura, appeared. She invited Tom to her home. Tom’s face shone with happiness. However, when he saw Bertie, he turned to his 35 .

"Dear Aunt, "he said, "I am very sorry, but I can’t go."

"Can’t go?And why not?"

"Because I can’t leave Bertie alone, "he said." When I was going to be 36 , he asked his mother to let me go home with him. And, he has 37 been away from home at Christmas time before, so I can’t go without him."

For a 38 . Aunt Laura looked at Tom as if she could not believe him. Then she caught him in her arms and kissed him.

"My dear, you shall not 39 Bertie. We shall all enjoy ourselves together. Boys, remember, it is kindness that is never wasted in this world. "

So Bertie and Tom 40 that there was such a thing as a fairy after all.

31. A. summer B. winter C. Christmas

32. A. angry B. sick C. lonely

33. A. playing with B. fighting with C. talking about

34. A. Firstly B. Suddenly C. Slowly

35. A. aunt B. friend C. teacher

36. A. free B. alone C. out

37. A. never B. ever C. always

38. A. week B. day C. minute

39. A. refuse B. help C. leave

40. A. found B. hoped C. doubted




Travelers, where would you like to go?
