成长的烦恼 第一季文本Growing Pains 118 Reputation

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Growing Pains 118

Mike: The commander of the confederate army was..Bruce Li, Robert Yili Coast, The civil started in 1861, and lasted far too long. In 1865….ah…you are so cool! You talking to me? I’m the only one here!

Someone is knocking at the door.

Mike: Leave me on, I’m trying to study scuzz ball.

Jason: scuzz ball?

Mike: so daddy, I thought you were Ben, I never call you to scuzz ball to your face. Jason: Ok, I thought you said you would be cleaning up your room.

Mike: I did.

Jason: Nice! Isn't that music a little loud?

Mike: Absolutely.

Jason powered off the record.

Mike: Dad, what are doing? I’m trying studying here.

Jason: Well, I sure don't want to interfer with a study method that has brought you to the brink of failure this year, right? but for the sake of the plaster on the living room ceiling I'd like you to study for this history test without any loud distractions. Mike: oh, I don't know dad. All that silence could really throw me off.

Jason: Oh, let’s risk. Come on, just you a nd this book for one solid hour.

Mike: what is this? are you pressuring me for a good grade?

Jason: No, I am a realist Mike. I’m pressuring you for a passing grade. Come on, you've been sweeping through American history all year with sixty-seven.

Mike: sixty-eight

Jason: Oh, Pardon me. Come on,with this exam you have a chance to really improve on that. Aim fo rthe stars, seventy, seventy-five!

Mike: I get the feeling you don't think I know this stuff..

Jason: Abraham Lincoln was assassinated......

Mike: True

Jason: Well, a very wise man once said that those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it.

Mike: you mean like in summer school?

Jason: Exactly.

Mike: Abraham Lincoln was assassinated… while he was still alive!

Maggie: Jason, look!

Jason: Wah, Mike is still studying, what do you know! looks like I actually got through to him

Maggie: Yeah, yeah, that must be, you probable got him so fired up he's dizzy with the thirst for knowledge.

Jason: Ok, just listen.Mike,!

Mike: Yeah?

Jason: What are you doing?

Mike: Why?

Jason: I’m curious, are you still studying?

Mike: Yes, there's no way I'm gonna flunk this test.

Maggie: Jason, there’s somebody in that room imitating Mike’s voice.

Mike: Oh, very funny mom.

Carol: Mike, the answer?

Mike: I’m very close.

Carol: Come on, I’m tired.

Mike: It’s no picnic for me either.

Carol: A general. Just name any American general.

Mike: General motors.

Carol: That’s it, I’m going to bed.

Mike: Bed? Come on, How could you think of bed at a time like this?

Carol: Watching you wallow in your ignorance is too demoralizing. night!

Mike: OK, well if you're so good at it how do you study?

Carol: It’s very simple. I read the material once assigned, I underline the key phrases, and I take careful notes, and I quiz myself.

Mike: Underlining!

Next morning

Carol: Hi!

Jason: Hi! where have you been?

Carol: Oh I was up late studying

Maggie: Do you have a test too?

Carol: No.

Jason: Mike could learn something from her.

Carol: No, he couldn’t. en..Bye.

Jason: Bye.

Maggie: well, I hate to eat and run

Jason: but you didn’t finish your eggs

Maggie: Well, what I ate was very filling.

Jason: Oh, come on, you don’t have to give me thet, you don’t have to make up a story. if you don’t like yo ur breakfast just say so.

Maggie: Jason.

Jason: I can take it. Oh, let’s say it.

Maggie: It was dreck.

Jason: Ok, that’s better.

Maggie: oh, just kidding. Bye-bye.

Jason: All of it or just the eggs.

Maggie: those were eggs?

Mike: Ok, say good morning, to Gods gift to history.

Jason: Well, you look like a guy whose ready for a big history test?

Mike: Ready, I’m not just ready, dad. I’ve got it all: names, dates and everything. I think today will go down in history as a day Mike Seavor turns the corner, February 20th, 1986.

Jason: It’s February 25th.

Ben: hay, dad.
