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Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】



班级_________ 姓名___________ 座号___________ 成绩_________ 一.单词辨音(5%)

从下列A B C D 中四个选项中找出划线部分读音不同的单词选项(每题1分,共计5分)

1.A. come B. month C. other D. today

2.A. advice B. like C. rise D. swim

3.A. game B. happy C. face D. late

4.A. down B. how C. know D. cow

5.A. Christmas B. much C. watch D. change


Part A:词汇。从下列各题的A B C 三个选项中选出一个与句子划线部分意思相近的选项或在空白处填入最佳选项(每题1


am happy to ______(收到...来信)you.

A.h ear from

B. receive

C. hear

7. You have a good idea. I will _______ your advice.

A.m ake

B. take

C. give

8. The high school is ______ from the vocational school.

A.d ifference

B. differ

C. different

9. Would you like _________ anther skirt

A.c hange for

B. to change for

C. to change

10. Excuse me. Could you tell me the ______ to the railway


A.w ay

B. road

C. street

11. If you want to be ______, you’d better do more exercise.

A.f at

B. fit

C. kind

12. Some people ______ too much time in front of the TV and

eat too much fast food. .

A.c ost

B. take

C. spend

13. He is ready ______ order now.

A.t o

B. for

C. /

14. The work is tiring _______ interesting.

A.a nd

B. or

C. but

I could say a word, she _______(拿出) ten yuan.

A.t ook

B. took away

C. took out

16. Exercise makes us ________ and fit.

A.h ealth

B. healthy

C. healthily

17. I sometimes ________ computer games in the evening .

A.d o

B. play

C. like

18. You will _______ it hard to get up in the morning.

A.f ind

B. have

C. get

you like _______ to drink

--No, thank you.

A. nothing

B. something

C. anything

20. Some girls help ________ the rooms clean.


B. to clean

C. do

I take your ______now

---Yes. I’d like some salad.


B. dinner

C. order

22. Mr. Brown showed me _____ to start the machine


B. what

C. who

23. I’ve got a new ______ in a factory and began working



B. job

C. machine

24. She is interested _______ English pop music.


B. in

C. at

25. Because of my carelessness, I ______ a mistake.


B. take

C. do

Part B: 语法知识。从下列各题的A B C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项填入空白处(每题1分,共计20分)。

26. Tom ______ to school very early every day.


B. goes

C. went

27. I ______ to the meeting tomorrow.


B. will go

C. went

28. Today is cloudy, neither too hot ______ too cold.


B. not

C. no

29. He ______ a bike for his son last month.


B. buys

C. bought

30. Which is the _______ one, the sun,the moon or the earth


B. big

C. biggest

31. He is only one year ______ than his brother.
