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Part 1 Multipl

e Choice (2014.12)

Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

1. While a _____ amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you.

A. moderate

B. modern

C. large

D. striking

2. If you _____ your demand, then you will have more chance of getting what you want.

A. conduct

B. deny

C. grant

D. moderate

3. I don’t think he is old _____ to do the job.

A. sufficient

B. plentiful

C. enough

D. approximate

4. The _____ year begins when school opens in September.

A. studying

B. learning

C. teacher

D. academic

5. The physicist needed more _____ before his theory could be accepted.

A. finance

B. publications

C. evidence

D. recognition

6. Students of _____ grades are those studying in the first three grades of elementary school.

A. entry

B. basic

C. main

D. primary

7. The museum is ______ a valuable group of coins.

A. displaying

B. exhibiting

C. presenting

D. giving

8. Many cookbooks have very ______ directions.

A. common

B. confirmed

C. complicated

D. compound

9. The ______ for speeding is a fine of one hundred and fifty dollars.

A. penalty

B. benefit

C. criticism

D. remedy

10. The two brothers are very much _____, not only in appearance but also in thinking.

A. like

B. likely

C. alike

D. alive

11. The Great Wall winds its way ______ the mountains.

A. through

B. across

C. past

D. behind

12. These areas rely on agriculture almost ______, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.

A. respectively

B. relatively

C. incredibly

D. exclusively

13. A _____ slowing in reaction time will occur if a senior doesn’t stay active.

A. unique

B. obvious

C. beautiful

D. striking

14. The survival _____ of some wild animals is not very high as they are often killed for their skins.

A. rate

B. degree

C. ratio

D. scale

15. From this material we can _____ hundreds of useful products.

A. derive

B. reduce

C. employ

D. replace

16. The judge considers a financial _____ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.

A. option

B. duty

C. responsibility

D. penalty

17. His grandfather is still _____ and lively, full of energy.

A. vigorous

B. violent

C. intense

D. high-impact

18. We are all for your proposal that the discussion _____.

A. was put off

B. is to put off

C. be put off

D. should put off

19. Frequently single-parent children _____ some of the housework.

A. take off

B. take after

C. take on

D. take in

20. He’ll be angry if you try to _____ him. He is very busy now.

A. interfere with

B. interfere in

C. disturb with

D. worry about

21. People _____ will support us in having a change of the educational system.

A. in particular

B. in general

C. as usual

D. in common

22. Physical exercise is particularly necessary to primary pupils _____ it helps them power up their brains.

A. by that

B. on that

C. in that

D. for that

23. You are not in stage 3, the last and most dangerous one, _____ your iron reserves go to zero.

A. till

B. until

C. after

D. while

24. The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, _____ is often the case in other countries.

A. so

B. as

C. it

D. that

25. I’d rather you _____ make any comment on the issue for the time being.

A. didn’t

B. don’t

C. wouldn’t

D. shouldn’t

26. Americans consume _____ as they actually need every day.

A. twice protein as much

B. twice protein as many

C. twice as much protein

D. protein as twice much

27. Jane never dreams of _____ for her to be sent abroad very soon.

A. there to be a chance

B. there being a chance

C. there be a chance

D. being a chance

28. It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you _____ it.

A. wouldn’t have done

B. mustn’t have done

C. didn’t have to do

D. mightn’t have done

29. If tap water were as dangerous as some think, ______ would be getting sick. 19 C

A. a lot of more us

B. a lot more of us

C. more a lot of us

D. a lot us of more

30. Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university ______.

A. was accepted

B. were accepted

C. are accepted

D. have been accepted
