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Module 3第三模块

Unit 1 He shouted, "Wolf, wolf!"第一单元他大声喊:“狼来了,狼来了!”Activity 1 Listen and chant.活动1 听录音并说唱。

The sheep ran up the hill.小羊跑到山上,

The wolf ran up the hill.狼跑到山上。

The sheep ran down the hill.小羊跑下山,

The wolf ran down the hill.狼跑下山。(歌曲)

Activity 2 Listen, point and find "-ed".活动2 听录音,找到以“-ed”结尾的单词。Once upon a time, there was a boy.很久以前,有一个男孩。

He looked after sheep every day. The boy was bored.他每天放羊。男孩觉得很无聊。One day, the boy ran to the village.一天,男孩跑到村子里,

He shouted, "Wolf, wolf!"大声喊:“狼来了,狼来了!”

Everyone ran up the hill. There was no wolf.大家都跑到山上,那里没有狼。

The boy laughed.男孩笑起来。

The next day, the boy ran to the village again.第二天,男孩又跑到村子里,"Wolf, wolf!" he shouted.“狼来了,狼来了!”他大声喊。

The people ran up the hill. There was no wolf.人们跑到山上,还是没有狼。

The people were angry.人们很生气。

Then one day, a wolf came up the hill.后来有一天,狼真的来到山上。

The boy ran to the village.男孩跑到村子里。

But the people didn't run up the hill.但是人们没有跑到山上,

They said, "Don't tell lies!"他们说:“不要撒谎了!”

The wolf ate all the sheep.狼把所有的羊都吃掉了。

The boy learnt a lesson and wouldn't tell lies again.男孩得到了教训,再也不撒谎了。Activity 3 Listen and say.活动3 听录音并说一说。

There was a boy. He looked after sheep.曾经有一个男孩。他每天放羊。

The next day, the boy ran to the village again.第二天,男孩又跑到村子里,"Wolf, wolf!" he shouted.“狼来了,狼来了!”他大声喊。
