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have a conversation with 。。。和。。。谈话

I am having a conversation with my friends 我正在和我的朋友谈话

be patient with sb 对某人耐心

He is patient with hie friends 他对他的朋友们很有耐心

look up 查阅

I look up a new word in the dictionary 我在字典里差新单词

be born with 天生具有

I was born with two big eyes 我生下来就是大眼睛

be born of 出生于。。。家庭

I was born of business man’s 我出生于商人家庭

have the ability to do sth 有能力做某事

I have the ability to finish my work 我有能力完成我的工作。

born in 出生于。。。

I was born in Guiyang 我出生在贵阳

pay attention to 注意。。。=notice

I pay attention to your wear 我注意你的穿着

=I notice your wear

attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意

I can attract your attention 我能吸引你的注意

fall in love with sb 爱上某人

I am falling in love with city 我爱上了这个城市

connect 。。。with 把。。。连接

I can connect your computer with mine 我能用我的电脑连接你的电脑

take notes 做笔记,I take notes every time 我每次都做笔记

over and over again 一次又一次I do my homework over and over again 我做我的作业一次又一次

by doing 通过做某事I study by reading everyday 我学习通过每天阅读

by +交通工具(乘坐)I go to school by bus 我乘坐公交车去学校

1,by +时间(在。。。之前)I must go to bed by ten 我必须在十点以前睡觉2,aloud =loudly 大声地I read aloud = I read loudly 我大声朗读

3,have to (不得不,客观),must (必须,主观)

4,I have to go to school 我不得不去上学

5,I must go to school 我必须去上学

6,the +比较级。。。,the +比较级。。。越。。。,越。。。

The more you learn ,the more can get 你学习越多,你得到越多

find it adj to do sth 做某事如何

I find it interesting to study English here 我发现在这里学习英语很有趣

19,I don’t know what to do ?我不知道去做什么

I don’t know how to do it 我不知道怎么去做

make mistakes 犯错误例如:I make mistakes 我犯错

by mistake 错误地I took your pen by mistake 我错误地拿了你的钢笔

mistake。。。for 把。。。错当成。。。I mistook you for my brother 我把,一支狗错认为是我的宠


practice。。。with 与。。。练习I can practice English with you 我能和你练习英语practice doing sth 练习做某事。I can practice reading everyday 我每天都能练习阅读depend on 依靠I depend on myself 我依靠我自己

even if =even though 即使

Even if/ Even though you are young ,you can do it 即使你很年轻,你也可以做到

be stressed out =get stressed out 压抑的

I am stressed out= I get stressed out 我压抑的

on one’s own =by oneself 独立地

I do it on my own = I do it by myself 我自己独立地做

not 。。。until 直到。。。才。。

I didn’t do my homework until my mother comes back 直到我的妈妈回来,我才写作业instead ,instead of 代替

I eat cakes instead 我吃蛋糕来代替

I eat cakes instead of bread 我吃蛋糕来代替面包


