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Class: Name: Marks: 满分(100)



1. The newly-built library makes it possible for every citizen to get to the books they need easily.

A. access

B. chance

C. contact

D. approach

2. The teacher always tells us that we should what we have learned in class to practical work.

A. owe

B. compare

C. devote

D. apply

3. — Why do you often bring your umbrella?

—it rain, I’m prepared.

A. Should

B. Would

C. Could

D. Might

4. It was your timely help made it possible for us to finish the task ahead of schedule.

A. which

B. that

C. what

D. how

5. , what we have seen seems more believable than what we have been told.

A. General speaking

B. Speaking general

C. Generally speaking

D. Speaking generally

6. I my method of learning English since the beginning of this term and now I’m doing much better.

A. changed

B. had changed

C. change

D. have changed

7. advantage of the tailwind, we sailed merrily up the river for three or four hours.

A. Taking

B. Take

C. To take

D. Taken

8. The project for which we had prepared for months just to be a failure, which made all of us feel frustrated.

A. turned up

B. turned out

C. turned over

D. turned down

9. There is no doubt that a true friend is a person who can share your joys and sorrows, happens.

A. what

B. however

C. whatever

D. how

10. Remember to send me a photo of your little daughter next time you to me, OK?

A. are writing

B. will write

C. has written

D. write

11. We you were in trouble at that time, otherwise we would have given you a hand.

A. don’t know

B. haven’t known

C. d idn’t know

D. hadn’t known

12. Prepare some useful words, phrases and good sentences before writing something.

A. to be used

B. used

C. use

D. being used

13. —Roll the picture up so that it won’t get .

—OK. I’ll do it right now.

A. damaging

B. damaged

C. to be damaged

D. being damaged

14. Only towards the end of the party , explaining that he had been caught in a traffic jam on the way.

A. came Tom

B. Tom did come

C. Tom came

D. did Tom come

15. —I’m going downtown.

—I’ll give you a lift.

A. Why not?

B. Come on.

C. Up to you.

D. Cheer up!


A long time ago, there lived a fox in the forest. The fox thought of nothing but 16 and saw everything as a possible source of feasting. One day, the fox heard the sound of a drum. Since he had 17 heard a drum before, he had no idea what it was and 18 the sound. It led him to a field where a drummer was practising. After a while he was tired and went off to 19 . The fox looked at the drum 20 . Since it made a sound, the fox was quite sure that it was a 21 creature. His mouth watered as he looked at its round shape and 22 all the goodies inside it.

“How big and soft it looks!” he said. “I’m sure it must 23 lovely! If only I could eat i t!” But he was afraid of being 24 and did not dare to touch it at first. But when the drum remained 25 , the fox decided to attack it.

The fox jumped on the drum and tried to 26 it. The drum was very tough and he could make no headway (进展) at first. He bit harder and harder and did not 27 even when some of his teeth broke in the 28 . Finally he managed to break through it and made a 29 .

“Wow! It must be full of tasty meat. I can 30 myself for days!” He cried

forgetting his 31 m outh. He thought, “How lucky I am to 32 this creature!”

When he finally put his 33 inside, he found nothing but a piece of wood, quite unfit for 34 ! And he had lost all his front teeth!

“If only I didn’t 35 it for food!” he told himself sad ly. But it was too late!

16. A. dreaming B. sleeping C. play D. food

17. A. then B. just C. never D. soon

18. A. made B. followed C. recorded D. repeated

19. A. rest B. hide C. learn D. work

20. A. angrily B. gratefully C. curiously D. proudly

21. A. dangerous B. familiar C. popular D. live

22. A. enjoyed B. imagined C. kept D. showed

23. A. taste B. sound C. feel D. smell
