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Class:__________ Name : ____________ Mark: ______________



( )1. A: trip B:trick C: brick

( )2. A: blow B: blew C: break

( ) 3. A:write B: wrote C: rode

( ) 4. A:diary B: doll C: dollar

( ) 5. A: take B: took C: taking

( ) 6. A: dictionary B: diary C:doughnuts

( ) 7. A: have a picnic B: have a party C: take some photos

( ) 8. A: meet some friends B: get a haircut C:go on vacation

( ) 9. A: I am going to write letters B: She is going to write a letter.

C: He is going to write letter.

( ) 10. A: What did you do yesterday ? B: What did you do this morning ?

C: What did she do last night ?

二、听问句,选答语。(6% )

()1. A:I’m going to write letters. B: She goes to write letters. C: She went to write letters. ( ) 2. A: It is yucky . B: they were tasty . C: It was spicy .

( ) 3. A: Yes , I was . B: Yes, I am . C: Yes , she is .

( ) 4. A: He made models. B: She is going to play with friends. C: She is drinking.

( ) 5. A: I was in Beijing . B: She is in Shanghai. C: They were in Jiangmen .

( ) 6. A: Yes , we did . B:Yes,she does . C: Yes , he did .

三、听音,判断与图内容是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。(12%) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( )

5.( )




四、听录音,补全对话。(4 %)

May day is coming. I’m going to ______the Great Wall of China. I’m going to take some ______and vistit ________. Then, we are going to _____some friends.



1.What did they_________ ( do) yesterday morning? They_____________ ( see) a movie.

2.What _______(be) Tony ___________ ( go ) to do today ? He’s going to ________ (play).

3.Where _________ ( be ) you last month ? I_________ ( be ) in Thailand .

4.The bird ____________ (take away ) my hat this morning.

5._____ ( be ) you going to meet some friends tomorrow? Yes, I ______. .


Model 1:Did you sweep the floor after that ? No , I didn’t.

1.( break the window , this morning ) ______________________________________

2.(make models, yesterday)______________________________________________

Model 2: I’m going to surf the net tomorrow.

1. (read some books , tonight) ____________________________________________

2. (help Dad, today)_____________________________________________________

Model 3: What are you going to do today?

1.(Jenny, tomorrow) ___________________________________________________

2.(they, the day after tomorrow)___________________________________________


( ) 1. 你想了解你的朋友明天将要做什么,你可以问他:

A: Where are you doing ? B: What are you going to do tomorrow ?

C: Where were you from ?

( ) 2. 你的房间凌乱不堪,妈妈生气地说:

A: What a mess! B: What a messy! C: What did you do?

( ) 3. 你的朋友想了解江门的食物怎么样,他可以问:

A: What is the food like in Jiangmen? B: Is the food yucky in Jiangmen ?

C: Is the food tasty in Jiangmen?

( ) 4. 妈妈问你上星期六你是否去了唱歌,她会问:

A: Did you ride your bike last Saturday? B: Did you sing a song last Saturday?

C: Do you sing a song last Saturday ?

( ) 5.你想知道珍妮是否准备去买衣服,可以问:

A: Are you going to shop for clothes? B: Is Jenny going to shop for clothes?

C: Did you shop for clothes?


1、()I comic books last week.

A. readed

B. reading

C. read

2、()What your mother yesterday?

A. does/did

B. did/do

C. does/do

3、()What ______ she going to do tomorrow ?She’s going to get a haircut.

A. was


C. does

4、() you going to go on vacation? Yes, I am.

A. Are



5、()Did you _______ to the park yesterday?

A. went

B. go

C. going

6、()What a mess! _________ trees fell.

A. Any

B. Many

C. A

7、()He didn’t his bike last Sunday.

A. rides

B. ride

C. rode

8、()Where your mother last month?

A. were

B. did

C. was

9、()What did you yesterday morning ?

A. ate

B. eat

C. ated

10、()Are you hungry? Yes, I am. I need some .

A. water

B. tasty food

C. rice

四、连词成句。(12 %)

1、you /are/ to/ do/ what /going/tomorrow(?) _______________________________________________

2、eat / this / you,/ morning / what / did (? ) __________________________________

3、Canada / was/ what / food /like/ the / in (? ) ___________________________________

4、she / going /is /to / net / surf/ the (?)_______________________________________________

5、came / Meiling/ week/ typhoon/ last (.) _______________________________________________

6、I/ going/ to/ am / some/ photos/ take/ (? ) ___________________________________________

