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Chapter 1


a.the definition of language

b.the design features and the functions of language

c.the distinction between human language and animal communication or other artificial sign


d・ major distinctions in linguistics


1)Unlike animal communication systems, human language is _________ ・

A.stimulus free

B. stimulus bound

C. under immediate stimulus control

D・ stimulated by some occurrence of communal interest

2)Which of the following is the most important function of language?

A.interpersonal function

B. performative function

C. informative function D・ recreational function

3)The function of the sentence "Water boils at 100 degree centigrade^ is ______ ・


B. directive

C. informative D・ performative

4) _________ h as been widely accepted as the forefather of modern linguistics?

A. Chomsky

B. Saussure C・ Bloomfield D. John Lyons

Chapter 2


a.the definition of phonetics and its three major research fields

b・ the location, characteristics and function of the speech organs

c.the definition and classifications of consonants and vowels

d.the place of articulation and manner of articulations

e.cardinal vowels


g.Broad and narrow transcription and the lip position in the pronunciation of the cardinal vowels h・ The definition of phonology

i.The comparison and contrast between phonetics and phonology

j- The definition of phone, phoneme, allophone, minimal pair and free variation

k・ Theories on phoneme, phonemic contrast and complementary distribution

1.Features on phonetic similarity and distinction

m. Suprasegmental features (syllables, stress, tone, etc.)


1)Of the three cavities, ___ is the most variable and active in amplifying and modifying speech


A.nasal cavity

B. pharynx

C. oral cavity

2)All syllables contain a _______ ・


B. coda

C. onset

3)A sound which capable of distinguishing one word or one shape of word from another in a given language is a _______ ・

A. allophone B・ phone C・ phoneme

4) _________ i s one of the suprasegmental features.

A. stop

B. Voicing C・ Deletion D. tone

5)Narrow transcription is the phonetic transcription with ___________ .

A. diacritics

B. distinctive features C・ voicing D. articulation

6)Velar refers to ________ ・

A. larynx B・ soft palate C・ voicing D・ articulation

7)Which of the following consonants does not exist in English?

A. dental stop

B. bilabial stop C・ alveolar stop D・ velar stop

8._______ is not a distinctive feature in English phonology・

A. Nasality

B. Voicing

C. Aspiration

D. Rounding

9.______ is not an English consonant.

A. labio-dental plosive b・ alveolar nasal C・ velar stop D. dental fricative

10.The choice of an allophone in a given phonetic context is ________ ・

A. random B・ predictable C・ variable D. independent

11 ・ Voicing of explosives is a distinctive feature in _______ •

A. Chinese

B. English

C・ both Chinese and English D. neither Chinese and English

Chapter 3

1 -要点

a.the definitions of the basic concepts in this chapter: word, morpheme, morphology, free morpheme, bound morpheme, inflectional affix and derivational affix,

b.inflection and word formation,


1)Compound words consist of _______ morphemes.

A. bound

B. free

C. both bound and free

2)Nouns, verbs, adjectives and many adverbs are __________ ・

A. grammatical words B・ Lexical words C. neither grammatical nor lexical words

3)"Radar” is a/an _______ .

A. acronym

B. blending

C. coinage D・ clipping

4)The words "take ” and “table ” are called ______ b ecause they can occur unattached.

A. form words B・ bound morphemes C・ free morphemes D. inflectional morphemes
