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Unit 1

Setin A

ake wrd ards制作词卡

read the textbk阅读课本

listen t tapes听磁带

ask the teaher fr help求助老师

study fr a test备考

wrk with a grup小组合作

have nversatins with friends和朋友们谈话read alud朗读

iprve speaking skills提高口语技能

give a reprt作报告

a slw reader一个阅读速度慢的人

get the ain ideas获取大意

at first起初;开始

read wrd by wrd逐字读

wrd grups意群

be patient with sb.对某人有耐心

It takes tie.这得花时间/这得慢慢。

be afraid t d / f ding sth.害怕做某事

pr prnuniatin发音不好

fall in lve with ...爱上……

bdy language身势语;肢体语言

the expressin(s) n ne&rsqu;s fae某人脸上的表情listen fr the key wrds留神听关键词

as well也

the seret t ...……的秘诀

language learning语言学习

It&rsqu;s a piee f ake.小菜一碟。

It serves yu right.你活该。

lk up the wrd in a ditinary在字典中查单词

take ntes记笔记

erize sentene patterns记忆句型

d graar exerises做语法练习

keep a diary in English用英语记日记

Setin B

inrease reading speed提高阅读速度

ake istakes in graar在语法方面犯错

be brn with ...天生具有……

the ability t learn学习的能力

depend n取决于;依赖

learning habits学习习惯

have ... in n有……共同之处

reate an interest in ...对……产生兴趣

pay attentin t注意;关注

nnet ... with ...把……和……连接或联系起

learn fr istakes从错误中学习

think abut考虑

Use it r lse it.非用即失。

Pratie akes perfet.熟能生巧。

develp study skills培养学习技能

write dwn写下;记下

lk fr ways t review寻找复习的方法

knwledge es fr questining. 知识于质疑。

Unit 2

Setin A

the ater Festival泼水节

the Dragn Bat Festival端午节

the Spring Festival春节

the Lantern Festival元宵节

ther&rsqu;s Day母亲节

Father&rsqu;s Day父亲节

a little t rwded有点太拥挤

eat ut出去吃饭

put n five punds体重增加了5磅

Guess what?你猜怎么着?

in tw weeks两周以后

the httest nth f the year一年中最热的月份be siilar t和……相似

the Dai peple傣族

thrw water at eah ther互相泼水

wash away bad things洗去晦气

have gd luk in the new year在新的一年交好运elebrate the id-Autun Festival庆祝中秋节

in the shape f a full n一轮满月的形状

n the id-Autun night在中秋节的晚上

traditinal flk stries传统民间故事

sht dwn射下

agi ediine仙药

live frever长生不老

plan t d sth.计划做某事

refuse t d sth.拒绝做某事

lay ut摆开;布置

start the traditin f ...开始……的传统

adire the n赏月

Setin B

trik r treat不给糖就捣乱

light andles点燃蜡烛

play a trik n sb.捉弄某人

give sb. a treat款待某人

dress up as artn haraters装扮成卡通人物

the true eaning f hristas圣诞节的真正含义

are abut关心;在意

ake re ney赚更多的钱

hristas Eve平安夜

business partner生意伙伴

warn sb. t d sth.警告某人做某事

end up最终成为;最后处于

expet sb. t d sth.期待某人做某事

take hi bak t his hildhd把他带回到童年

reind sb. f sth.提醒某人某事

wake up叫醒
