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I. 听句子选择图片:你将听到五个句子。请根据听到的内容,选出五幅相应的图片。听一遍。共5小题,计5分。



1. _____

2. _____

3. _____

4. _____

5. _____

II. 听对话回答问题:你将听到七段对话,每段对话之后你将看到一个或几个问题。请根据听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。听两遍。共10小题,计10分。请听第一段至第五段对话,回答第6至10五个小题。

( )6. Where are the two speakers?

A. In the aquarium.

B. In the police station.

C. In the classroom.

( )7. Where does the boy want to go?

A. To the post office.

B. To the hospital.

C. To the bank.

( )8. What are the two speakers going to do?

A. Go skating.

B. Play chess.

C. Watch a movie.

( )9. Why didn’t Jim go to school yesterday?

A. Because he went on a trip.

B. Because he was ill.

C. Because he got up late.

( )10. What sport does the girl like?

A. Ping-pong.

B. Basketball.

C. Football.


()11. Who did the boy go to Paris with?

A, His grandparents. B, His parents. C,His aunts.

( )12. How did the boy go to Paris?

A. By train. B . By boat. C. By plane.


( )13. Where does the girl’s grandfather live?

A. In Tokyo.

B. In Paris.

C. In Beijing.

( )14. How often does the girl visit her grandfather?

A. About once a year.

B. About twice a year.

C. About three times a year.

( )15. What are the boy’s favorite animals?

A. Rabbits.

B. Dogs.

C. Tigers.

III. 听短文选择答案:你将听到一段短文,然后你将看到5个问题。请根据听到的短文内容选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。听两遍。共5小题,计5分。

( )16. How much is a bag of popcorn?

A. About 10 yuan.

B. About 20 yuan.

C. About 30 yuan.

( )17. Why does the speaker want to learn to make popcorn?

A. Because he thinks the popcorn outside is expensive.

B. Because he thinks it’s interesting.

C. Because he doesn’t like eating popcorn bought from outside.

( )18. Who taught the speaker to make popcorn?

A. His mother.

B. His father.

C. His sister.

( )19. How many steps does it take to make popcorn?

A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

( )20. What does the speaker talk about?

A. Why he likes popcorn.

B. Where to buy popcorn.

C. How to make popcorn.

IV. 听短文填写表格:你将听到一段短文,请根据短文内容,完成表格中的有关信息,每空不超过三个词。听两遍。共5小题,计5分。

VI. 单项选择:从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。共15小题,计15分。

( ) 26. — We have no more food at home!

—Yes. We need to buy some ____ in the supermarket.

A. egg

B. bread

C. pear

D. milk
