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m type backward wave tube m 型返波振荡管

m type tube m 型电子管

m type twt m 型行波管

machine ringing 机械振铃

macroblock 宏模块

macrocell 宏单元

macrocell approach 宏单元技术macrocell array 宏单元阵列

made to order integrated circuit 定制集成电路

madistor 晶体磁控管

magazine 盒

magnet 磁石

magnet core aerial 磁心天线

magnet core antenna 磁心天线magnetic amplification 磁放大

magnetic amplifier 磁放大器

magnetic bias 磁偏置

magnetic bubble device 磁泡掐magnetic bubble domain chip 磁泡芯片magnetic bubble memory 磁泡存储器magnetic confinement of plasma 等离子区的磁密封

magnetic convergence 磁会聚

magnetic core 磁心

magnetic deflection 磁偏转

magnetic dipole 磁偶极子

magnetic domaine storage 磁泡存储器magnetic double refraction 磁场致双折射magnetic drum 磁鼓

magnetic drum memory 磁鼓存储器magnetic field 磁场

magnetic field applied lec 施加磁场液封直拉法

magnetic film 磁性薄膜

magnetic flux 磁通量

magnetic focusing 磁聚焦

magnetic head 磁头

magnetic head core 磁头铁心

magnetic head gap 磁头缝隙

magnetic head gap depth 磁头缝隙深度magnetic head gap length 磁头缝隙长度magnetic head gap width 磁头缝隙宽度magnetic intensity 磁场强度

magnetic lens 磁透镜

magnetic lines of force 磁力线

magnetic medium 磁介质

magnetic microphone 电磁传声器magnetic modulator 磁灯器

magnetic permeability 磁导率

magnetic pumping 磁激励

magnetic recording 磁记录

magnetic rotation of polarized light 极化光的磁致旋转

magnetic semiconductor 磁性半导体magnetic static wave 静磁波

magnetic storm 磁暴

magnetic susceptibility 磁化率

magnetic tape 磁带

magnetic trap 磁捕集器

magnetics 磁学

magnetizing field 磁化场

magneto bell 交羚铃

magneto ionic wave component 磁离子波分量

magneto optical deflector 磁光偏转器magneto optical modulator 磁光灯器magnetoacoustic delay line 磁声延迟线magnetohydrodynamic laser 磁铃力学激光器

magnetohydrodynamic pumping 磁铃动力抽运

magnetohydrodynamic waves 磁铃波magnetohydrodynamics 磁性铃动力学magnetooptic memory 磁光存储器magnetooptics 磁光学magnetoresistance 磁阻magnetoresistive effect 磁阻效应magnetoresistor 磁阻器

magnetostatic wave device 静磁波掐magnetostriction oscillator 磁致伸缩振荡器

magnetostriction transducer 磁致伸缩式换能器

magnetostrictive delay line 磁致伸缩延迟线

magnetron 磁控管

magnetron amplifier 磁控管放大器magnetron ion etcher 磁控管离子腐蚀装置

magnetron oscillator 磁控管振荡器magnetron sputtering 磁控管溅射magnetron vacuum gage 磁控管真空计magnification 放大

magnified image 放大的图象

main exchange 电话总局

main gap 咒隙

main group 趾

main lobe 吱瓣

main oscillator 竹荡器

main signal 峙号

main station 用户助

mains receiver 交劣收机

maintainability 维修性

major lobe 吱瓣

majority carrier 多数载劣

majority current 多数载劣电流

majority emitter 多数载劣发射极

majority gate 多数决定门

majority logic 多数逻辑

malfunction 机能不良

man made noise 人为噪声

manual calling 人工呼叫

manual editing 手动编辑

manual exchange 人工电话局

manual insertion 手动装配

manual ringing 人工呼叫

manual telephone system 人工电话系统manufacturability 可制造性manufacturing line 生产线manufacturing method 制造方法manufacturing tolerance 制造公差

many layer mirror 多层镜

many valley semiconductor 多谷半导体maos structure 金属氧化铝氧化物半导体结构

margin of safety 安全裕度

marginal check 边缘检查

marginal sharphness 边缘清晰度marginal test 边缘检查

marine electronics 海洋电子学maritime satellite communication 海洋卫星通信

mark 标记

mark space ratio 线圈间隙因数

marker antenna 指点信标天线

marker pip 集成电路外壳的标记点marking 钻记

marking current 传局电流

maser 脉泽

maser amplification 脉泽放大

maser amplifier 脉泽放大器

maser beam 微波激射束

maser oscillator 脉泽振荡器

maser radiation 脉泽辐射

maser transition 脉泽跃迁

maser transmitter 脉泽发射机

mask 掩模

mask aligner 掩模对准器

mask artwork 掩模原图

mask carrier 掩模载运体

mask cassette 掩模盒

mask copy 掩模复制

mask definition 掩模图案形成

mask degradation 掩模老化

mask distortion 掩模扭曲

mask feature 掩模图形单元

mask holder 掩模架

mask hole 掩模窗

mask inspection tool 掩模检查工具

mask layout 掩模草图

mask level 掩模层次

mask lifetime 掩模寿命

mask lithography 掩模光刻

mask making facilities 掩模制造设备mask membrane 掩蔽膜

mask opening 掩模窗孔

mask overlay comparator 掩模重迭比较器mask overlay error 掩模相互重合误差mask pack 掩模包

mask pattern 掩模图案

mask pattern generator 掩模图案发生器mask pattern layout 掩模图形布置图mask programmable array 掩模可编程序阵列
