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(1)hobby engineering

Its easier to learn about building robots if you take it one step at a time. This menu breaks a fairly complex robot into bite-sized pieces (or byte-sized for you programmers) to make the information easier to digest. We think that this is a good way to both learn about robots and to plan your actual construction. If you try to do everything at once you are likely to end up with a mess. If you plan and build in small steps, you are almost guaranteed success.


The controller is the brains of your computer. The controller receives information from sensors and the input part of the human interface. It then decides what to do and sends instructions to the motion systems, actuators and the output part of the human interface. There are many types of controllers with different amounts of processing power and varying numbers and types of "pins" which connect to sensors, motors and the other part of the robot.

In order for your controller or your robot to do anything, you must write a program and load that program into the controller's memory. Depending on your choice of controller, this can be fairly simple or extremely complicated. We recommend controllers using the Parallax Basic Stamp as the starting point for almost everyone. These controllers are programmed in an easy-to-learn language and have an integrated program loading system that is nearly 100% reliable. The Basic Stamp almost guarantees a fast start in programming whereas most alternatives require overcoming a significant level of difficulty just to get started. Even if you intend to "graduate" to more complex programming systems you will probably find the Basic Stamp a useful tool for investigating new ideas before developing your production code.


Sensors provide your robot with information about its environment. Different sensors tell your robot about sights, sounds, pressures, temperatures and many other characteristics of the world around it.

In many cases sensor components provide "data" when what you want is "information". For

instance, a sonar component may report that an echo came back in .05ms when what you really want to know is that a robot is charging you from two feet away. In some cases the volume of data from sensor components is more than can be handled by a robot controller -- too much data can be as useless as no data at all. Because of this, many of sensor products are actually "smart" subsystems with specialized logic to evaluate the data stream and simplify programming your robot's main controller.

When considering sensors, your first step is to identify what you want your robot to sense and how quickly and reliably you want to acquire that information. While "I want to know everything, right now, without error" sounds like a good specification, it probably isn't achievable and it definitely wouldn't be affordable. All practical sensors have definite limits of accuracy, range, resolution and repeatability. Each little increase in performance requires a large increase in cost so you will often accept what you can afford rather than insist on what you would like.

While sensors are warranted to meet their specifications, they aren't guaranteed to do what you want in the way you want. While an IR distance sensor may be 99% accurate in the testing lab, your results may be less perfect in a competitive environment when your sensors may get confused by random reflections, your opponents sensors or even intentional interference. In order to be fully effective, you may need to compare the results from multiple sensors and/or filter the data to ignore results that seem inconsistent. As with every part of your robot, maximum effectiveness requires careful evaluation of real-world results and fine-tuning of your robot's circuits and program. This is not a "Plug And Play" hobby!

When evaluating sensors, you want to know the following:

○1What is actually being measured? For example, most distance sensors don't really measure distance. They measure how long it takes to receive an echo after they send a signal. You have to consider the possibility that the echo" is actually a stray signal and then find a way to eliminate those false readings. Reliable distance tracking systems usually look for patterns of consistent readings

○2How many connections of what kind are required to connect the sensor to your controller? Do you have enough of those kinds of pins available on your controller? Does the signal need to be processed though an ADC or other hardware device to be usable by your program?
