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《》 1; sister brother water;

《》 2; mother girl under

《》 3; bird nurse number

《》 4; fish window rice

《》 5; arm card car


《》1; A; breakfast B; floor C; dinner

《》2; A; English class B; music class C; classroom

《》3; A; teacher’s office B; playground C; get up

《》4; A; forty B; thirty C; fan

《》5; A; rainy B; New York C; windy


1;It’s time 《for/ to》 go home;

2;It’s 28 《degree /degrees 》;

3; My new book is 《in / on》 the desk;

4;《Where / What》is the teachers’ office?

5;It’s ten 《o’clock / clock》;


1;hurry up ____________ 6;去上学_____________

2;second floor___________ 7;暖和的_____________

3;next to _____________ 8;晚餐_____________

4;just a minute_________ 9;两点整____________

5;weather____________ 10;上床睡觉 ________________


1; No near the;

2; What time is it? It’s 9 am; It’s time for__________;

3; Is this a ? Yes , it is;

4; It’s ___________in Beijing today;

5;It’s time for ________;Let’s sing and dance;


《》 1; It’ cloudy today; ______ about New York?

A; Where B; How C; What’s

《》 2;It’s cold ____ Beijing;

A; on B; is C; in

《》 3、Is this a teacher’s office?Yes,

A;it isn’t B; is it C; it is 《》4、It’s time to______;

A; goes home B; get up C; English class 《》5、 --_______;---It’s 3 o’clock;

A;What’s time is it? B; Who is that? C; What time is it?


A; we do B; it is C; we don’t

《》7、______it cold ?

A;is B; Am C; Is 《》8、What’s the weather like in Sydney? It’s hot _______sunny;

A; for B; to C; and 《》9、Look, my classroom is on the _____ floor;

A; three B; second C; four

《》10、Do you have art room ?

A; a B; an C; the


《》 1; Is it hot? A;It’s on the first floor;

《》 2; Where is your classroom? B;It’s 10:00;

C;Yes, it’s 30 degrees;

《》 4;It’s 12o’clock; D;No, it’s the teachers’ office;

《》 5; What time is it? E;It’s time for lunch;


《》 Can I go outside?

《》 Ok!

《》 Mum, what time is it?

《》 Have some lunch, Mike!

《》It’s 11:00;

《》 No, you can’t, It’s cold outside;


1、the is first floor on It 《;》


2、Do library you have a 《?》


3、the weather What’s in like Beijing 《?》


4、 It’s for lunch time《;》


5、What is time it now《?》



Good morning, this is the weather report;It’s rainy in Shanghai; You must take your raincoat;It’s cold in Beijing; Please put on your boots;It’s snowy in Harbin, we can make a snowman;It’s sunny and warm in Hong Kong; You can play football;That’s all;Goodbye;

《》1、What’s the weather like in Shanghai?

A;It’s rainy; B;It’s snowy; C;It’s sunny and warm;

《》2、Is it cold in Beijing?

A; Yes, you can; B;No, you can’t; C; Yes, it is;

《》3、Can you make a snowman in Harbin?

A; Yes, you can; B;No, you can’t; C; Yes, it is;

《》4、What’s the weather like in Hong Kong?

A;It’s rainy; B;It’s snowy; C;It’s sunny and warm;

《》5、You can play in Hong Kong;

A; football B; basketball C; Volleyball
