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姓名:_______ 班级:________ 出题人:高一英语组

冠词(a, an, the)

( 1) Her sister, who is nurse, wil l marry one of the doctors in the hospital.

( 2 ) It was s uch wonderfu l dinner that we enjoyed it very much.

( 3 ) It was raining hard, so I had to borrow a umbrella.

( 4 ) My friend Mary comes from an European country.

( 5 ) Mr. Smith used to be physics teacher till he turned writer.

( 6 ) Tom, who i s a 8-year-o ld boy, i s a l ways prais e d by his teachers.

( 8 ) For l ong time neither of us spoke to each other.

( 9 ) Look, a girl in bl u e is my cousin.

( 10) Look! A car has stopped there. A car is so beautiful!

( 11 ) She asked whether we came from a same city.

( 12 ) The mountain was covered with the snow all the year round.

( 13 ) You don' t know what wonderful time we've had.

( 14) People made the fun of her because she wore such strange clothes.

( 15 ) Soon the plane was out of the sight.

( 16 ) Great changes have taken the place in my hometown since 1978.

( 17 ) In the word, he is a good student and all of us like him.

( 18 ) You said you took the book without his permission. In the other words, you sto l e it.

( 19 ) Mr. Smith, who is in the charge of a big company, is a rich man.

( 20 ) We should make a use of every minute to finish the job.

连接词(and, but, s o, however, beside s)

( 1) Tim e was limited, a n d w e finished the w o r k su c c es sfully.

( 2 ) F inall y we reached th e schoo l whi c h w as q uiet but pe ac eful

( 3 ) They can also tell the difference s between healthy plant s or poor one s

( 4 ) With the blue sky over me or green water around me I was extremely relaxed ( 5 ) They will encourage you to s tick to what is right or avo id what i s wrong.

( 6 ) My teacher always tells us:" Work hard, and you won't achieve any thin g "

( 7 ) We will build a new bridge, s o it will not be s o familiar a s the one we had before. ( 8 ) They overcame almost all difficulties, th e refor e, a new trouble arose.

( 9 ) I s hould be able to tell visitor s about our history or culture and s how them our great achievement s

( 10) She let Mrs. J e nkins e xplain ev e rything but insisted that Mrs. Jenkins should do it right away

( 11 ) Becau s e it's extreme l y cold out s ide, s o we stayed in the tent for a who l e day ( 12 ) The price of rooms in the hotel is too high, ther e fore, they are in poor condition.

( 13 ) Despite there is disagreement between us, we ar e s till good friends.

( 14) A ll the house s were in ruins because the terrible earthquake

( 15 ) Although we are in trouble, but we will try our best to help you.
