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unobviousness 非显而易见性

utility certificate of addition

utility model register 实用新型注册簿 validity of patent 专利的有效性

valuation of patent 专利的评价

vanishing of impediment 障碍的消除 vendee of patent 专利的买主 voluntary conveyance 自愿转让 voluntary license 自愿许可(证) waiver of payment 支付款项的放弃 abstract of invention 发明摘要

author's certificate 作者证书 waiver of requirement 要求的放弃 watching and administering the process of patent examination and grant 专利审批流程的监视和管理 withdrawal of designation 撤回指定 world wide agent 国际代理人 written application

书面申请 written declaration 书面申明

written disclosure 书面公开

year of issue 发行年

year of publication 出版公布年

保护范围 extent of protection auxiliary application 辅助申请 保护工业产权巴黎公约 Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property

保护权的转让 assignment of protective right 保密义务 duty of secrecy

保密专利 secret patent 被授予专利权人姓名 name of grantee 被异议人 person 增补实用证书 utility certificate 实用证书

utility model application 实用新型申请

utility model infringement

实用新型侵权 utility model law 实用新型法 utility model protection



本国商标national mark 本国申请项目domestic filing data 本国注册home registration

index of inventor and patentee 发明人与专利人索引

index of patent specification 专利说明书索引

indication of manufacture under license 特许制造标记

applicant 申请人

individual request for patent family 同族专利单项服务

individual survey for family 同族(专利)单项调查

industrial applicability of invention 发明的工业实用性

industrial design 工业品外观设计

industrial development patents 工业发展专利权

industrial monopoly 工业独占

informal application 非正式的申请

infringing use 侵权使用

initial down payment 入门费abandonment of a patent application 放弃专利申请application awaiting examination 待审查的申请innocent infringement 非有意侵权INPADOC Data Base 国际专利文献中心数据库INPADOC Patent Gazette 国际专利文献中心的专利公报inspection of the patent register 专利登记簿的查阅institute of patent agents 专利代理人协会institute of patentees and inventors 专利权人和发明人协会

institute of trademark agents 商标代理人协会insufficient disclosure 不充分公开intellectual property 知识产权intention of clause 条款的意旨

application document 申请案文件inter-dependence of patent 专利的互相依赖性

interdependent patents 相互依存的专利interfering application 抵触的申请interfering patent 抵触的专利interfering patentee 抵触的专利权人international application 国际申请

International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks 商标注册用的商品和服务国际分类法

International Convention on Patents 国际专利权公约


International Patent Classification


international registration of marks

invention and creation 发明创造

invention of employee 雇员发明共同发明joint invention 共同发明人co-inventor/joint inventor 共同申请joint application 共同申请人co-applicant 共同使用权right of joint use 共同使用人co-user/joint user brand name 商标名称共同市场欧洲专利公约Convention for the European Patent for the Common Market 共同所有人co-proprietor/joint owner 共同体专利community patent 共享专利协定patent pool agreement 共有专利joint patent 构思日期conception date 雇员发明employee invention/invention of employee brief description of invention 发明的简要说明国别专利目录national catalog of patents 国际代理人world wide agent 国际申请international application 国际专利分类International Patent Classification 国际专利权公约International Convention on Patents 国际专利文献中心的专利公报INPADOC Patent Gazette 国际专利文献中心数据库INPADOC Data Base 国家申请national application 国家收费national fee 国家注册national registration British patent 英国专利

国家专利national patent 国家专利馆藏state patent collection 国内申请domestic application 合同生效entry into force of the contract 缺乏发明单一性lack unity of invention 缺乏新颖性lack of novelty carry out an invention 实施发明确定发明人的身份determining the identity of the inventor 确立要求保护的范围define the limite of the protection claimed delay in issue 延迟颁发delay payment of the official 延期支付法定费用delayed examination 推迟的审查delayed filing 延迟申请admissibility of trade mark 准许商标注册的条件demand for international preliminary examination 请求国际(申请)初步审查

demand for renewal 要求续展
