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电力专业术语英汉对照表 This manuscript was revised on November 28, 2020

突然损失发电机或线路:sudden loss of a generator or transmission line. 负荷突然增加或减少:sudden load increases or decreases

短路和开关操作:short circuits and switching operations.

三相和对地短路:three-phase and line-to-ground faults

短路器:circuit breaker

暂态过电压和电流:transient overvoltages and currents

雷击:lightning strikes

电涌放电器:surge arrester


瞬时功率:instantaneous power

特别地:In particular,

正弦电压或电流:A sinusoidal voltage or current at constant frequency

最大值:maximum value

有效值:effective value

平均值:average value

坐标系实轴:real axis

坐标系虚轴:imaginary axis

相量图:phasor diagram for …

无源元件:passive elements

电阻、电感、电容、电抗:resistor, inductor, and capacitor, reactance,

感性、容性:inductive, capacitive

有功功率:real power or active power

无功功率:reactive power

功率因数:power factor

功率因数角:power factor angle

A single-phase source delivers 100kW to a load operating at a power factor of 0.8 lagging.

物理意义:The physical significance of …

…与…同相位:…be in phase with…

Example:For a purely resistive load, the current into the load is in phase with the load voltage.

如式(2.1)所示:As indicated by (2.1), …

…落后(超前)…多少相位:The current lags(leads) the voltage by 90.


让a=b,得到:Letting a=b gives

按照惯例(通常):By convention, the power factor cos(a-b) is positive.

时间区间:a time interval T. Example: The total energy absorbed by a load during a time interval T.

额定值:rating. 例:额定功率-power rating;发电机额定功率-power rating of electric generator;额定电压:voltage rating.

基尔霍夫电流(电压)方程:Kirchhoff’s current(voltage) law。(P.48)

节点方程:nodal equations

导纳矩阵:admittance matrix

有N个节点电压构成的列相量:column vector of N bus voltages

对角元素:diagonal elements

非对角元:off-diagonal elements

自导纳:self-admittance; driving-point admittance

互导纳:mutual admittance; transfer admittance

美国8.14大停电:The US blackout on 14 August, 2003

…对…将产生深远影响:The blackout will have huge technical and organizational consequences for the US power industry.

当地仅存的无功电源无法维持电压:The existing local reactive power sources were not able to support the voltages.

切除线路:trip(tripped) the lines.

The isolated part suffered from low voltage and a severe deficit of generation.

电力系统稳定是指…:Power system stability refers to the ability of synchronous machines to move from one steady-state operating point following a disturbance to another steady-state operating point, without losing synchronism.

额定值:nominal values

故障类型:loss of generation, line-switching operations, faults, sudden load changes

EMS=Energy Management System


DMS=Distribution Management System


SCADA=Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition 监管控制与数据采集(调度自动化系统)

AGC=Automatic Generation Control


LFC=Load Frequency Control

