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1.simplify (vt.)简化adj_________ adv______________

This technology has been ______________ (simplify)so that anyone can use it.

2. solve (vt.) 解决,解答。

e.g. I always turn to him for help when I can’t solve any problems.

Charlie thinks money will solve all his problems.

solve 的名词:_____________

There's no simple ____________ to this problem. 没有解决这个问题的简单办法。


3.explore (vt./vi) 探索考察

The Moon and Mars have been ______________(explore)by human race.

His brother is working in a company which ___________ (explore)for gold.

【辨析】explore & explode

In April 1945, Jan Hasek, an old miner heard something ______________ at midnight.

They want to ___________ the old country in search of more cultural relics.

explore____________n explode_______________n

4. signal (vt./vi.)发信号

The cyclist signaled and turned right. The woman to whom he signaled was his wife.

The driver signaled (to) her to cross the road. He flashed his torch to signal that he was ready.


A red flag is often used as a danger signal.

区分:sign____________________ symbol___________

5. arise pt___________ pp___________

(1) Problems will arise as we do the work. (2) How did this quarrel arise?

(3) Accidents often arise from carelessness. (4) He arose and walked to the window.

(5) He arose at 6:30 a.m. as usual.


2,3),其后如果跟接宾语,常与________或out of 连用。它还可以表示“站起来,起身”(句4),



rise to one’s feet 站起来

He rose/arose from her seat to greet her guests.

rise_____/______ raise_________/_______

6. as a result

My friend Martin had a strange fever; as a result, he could neither eat nor sleep.

My friend Martin could neither eat nor sleep as a result of a strange fever

【自我归纳】as a result意为___________,其后引出结果。as a result of 意为___________,其后加


改错:Jenny nearly missed the flight as a result doing too much shopping

There was much fog; as result, the flight was put off.

It was raining heavily;as a result, the match had to be put off. 用as a result of改写


7. in a way (=in one way; in some way) 从某种程度上;从某种意义上

In a way, I agree with you. In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes.

On the/one’s way___________ in the/one’s way___________

By the way__________ under way_____________

In that/this/the way____________ 做某事的方法____________/_____________

8. deal with请写出deal的过去式和过去分词:___________________________________________

阅读下列句子,理解deal with的意思。

Mr. Black, how are you going to deal with the water pollution of this area?__________

Have these letters been dealt with?__________

She is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job.______________

Her poems often deals with the subject of life.________________


这种人不好对付。__________________________________________________________ 【拓展】

He knows well _________ to deal with children.

’t know ________ to do with.


a (large/huge) sum (of) (large/huge) sums (of)

_______________________(大把大把的钱)have been spent on advertising.

10. reality 事实现实adj____________ adv______________

become a reality______________ face/accept reality_____________

She seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.=_____________/__________ 11. goal

Our goal is to win first place. _____________

相关短语:set/establish a goal achieve/reach/attain a goal

Paul scored three goals in the game._____________

12. type n.种类

A/this/that/every type/________/________of bike

All/many types/________/________of bikes

It’s a good price for a bike of this type.


I don’t stand this kind of the behavior.


He asked his secretary to type the report. How fast can you type?

13. appearance n. __________v

The lady always cares about her appearance.____________=looks

The sudden appearance of the police caused them to drop the money and run. ________=_______/___

The singer’s first appearance was at the age of eight.___________
