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Unit 1

停止不前:to stand still

落后:fall behind

想使每分钟有意义:to want every minute to count

致力于:to be committed to

宝贵资源:precious resource

造成······的结果:result in

受制于:be slave to

说明;解释:to account for

用光,用尽:run out of

匆忙的:in a rush

在允许的时间内:within the time allowed

针对某人:take… personally

不得当的:beyond a certain appropriate point

同时发生;伴随:to go with

更别说:let alone

增进信任·······:to develop a sense of trust

节省:save for

与手边的的事情有很少或者没有联系:have little or no relation to the matter at hand

眼神交流:eye contact

亲自:in person

想引起别人注意:to seek attention

生活的节奏:the pace of life

在轻松的环境里:in relaxed surroundings

部分由于:to be due partly to

随着时间流逝:by the passage of time 在······眼里:in one’s eyes

有能力做某事:be competent to

大量投入时间和金钱:pour into

Unit 2

next to 靠近;接近

in sb.'s presence/in the presence of sb.有某人在场by no means决不,决非

count on 依靠;依赖;指望

on one occasion有一次

come upon偶然遇见;偶然发现

be indifferent to 对…漠不关心

pack into塞进;使挤入

swear at 咒骂

take notice of注意到

sing out (大声清晰地) 喊出(或唱出)

point out 指出

reflect on 仔细考虑

in advance 事先,预先

Unit 3

盛衰沉浮:ups and downs

优点和缺点:weaknesses and strengths

增强我们的关系:enhance our relationship

涉及关心:be involved with

种族仇恨:racial harted

花时间去做······:take the time to do sth.

经历一场痛苦的婚变:go through a painful divorce

一度:for a time

造成负面影响:have a negative effect on

处于萌芽状态的关系: a budding relationship

把消息告知家人:spread the news to one’s family 建议某人做某事:counsel sb. to do sth.

跟某事无关:have nothing to do with sth. 把…当做:see …as

表面上:on the surface

最差的时候:at one’s worst

获悉;听说:learn of …在······方面有问题:have problems with

负责;处理:take care of …

清楚地表明:make it very clear that …

接着做某事:proceed to do sth.

再…也不:never too… to

Unit 4

information desk问讯处

without fail必定;总是

volunteer for 自愿干某事

write back 回信

to appreciate sb’s support感激某人的支持

as long as 假如,如果,只要

as through 好像

forbid sb. from doing sth 禁止某人干某事

be free to do sth.随意做某事

right away 立即,马上

to go sb’s way与某人同路:

more than (+adjective) 十分,非常

beg sb. to do sth. 乞求某人干某事

be thankful for对...心存感激

Unit 6

填写申请表:to fill out an application form

用A代替B:to substitute A for B

自己感到好多了:to feel more comfortable with oneself 就算….也行:if only

是······的特征:to be characteristic of

无论好坏;不管怎样for better or (for) worse

即使如此;尽管这样even so

拒绝turn down
