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(Academic main courses of 04 class for The College of Mechanical and Energy Engineering)

装备专业主干课程(Main Courses of Process Equipment and Control Engineering)

材料力学 Mechanics Of Material

理论力学 Theories Mechanics

机械原理 Principle Of Mechanism

机械设计 Mechanism Design

流体力学 Fluid Mechanics

工程热力学 Engineering Thermodynamics

化工原理 Chemical Engineering Principle

计算机应用 The Apply Of Computer

过程设备设计 Process Equipment Design

过程机械 Process Mechanism

控制系统设计 Control System Design

机制专业主干课程Main Courses of Mechanical Design Manufacturing and Automation

机械设计 mechanical design

机械原理 principle of mechanics

工程材料 metal materials engineering

测试技术 measuring (testing) technology

计算机辅助设计与制造 computer aided design and manufacturing

液压与气动 hydraulic and air-pressure

控制工程基础 control engineering foundation

自动化制造系统 automatic manufacturing system

机械制造技术基础 machine manufacture foundation

数控技术 numerical control technology

机电一体化系统设计 mechatronics (integration of mechanics and electronics) system design

成型专业主干课程Main Courses of Material Formation and Control Engineering Program

材料力学 Mechanics of Materials

理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics

机械原理 Principle of Mechanics

机械设计 Mechanical Designing

液压与气动 Hydraulic Transmission

控制工程基础 Basis of Control Engineering,

机械制造基础 Fundamental of Mechanical Manufacture

高分子材料成型工艺学 High Polymer Material & Processing

高分子材料成型机械 high polymer material formation machine

高分子材料模具设计 High polymer material models design

热能专业主干课程Main Courses of Energy and Power Engineering

建环专业主干课程Main Courses of Building Environment and equipment Engineering

机械设计 Mechanical design

室内给排水 Indoor Water System

建筑节能 Building Energy Conservation

建筑环境学 Construction Environment

工程热力学 Thermodynamic Engineering

传热学 Heat transfer

工程流体力学 Engineering Fluid Dynamics

锅炉及锅炉房设备 Boilers and boiler room equipment

供热工程 Heating Project

制冷技术 Refrigeration Technology

热质交换原理 Heat and Mass Transfer Principle

空调工程 Air conditioning works

工业通风 Industrial Ventilation

建筑智能化控制 Building Intelligent Control

测试原理 Test Principle

燃气输配 Gas Transmission and Distribution

储运专业主干课程Main Courses of Oil&Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering 高等数学 Advanced Mathematics

理论力学 Theories Mechanics

材料力学 Mechanics Of Material

流体力学 Fluid Mechanics

机械技术 Mechanism Technology

化工技术 Chemical Technology


Pro/E制图 Pro/E

石油炼制 Petroleum Refine

管道设计 Tube design

物理化学 Physic Chemistry
