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35. 疑问词+ 不定式= 疑问词+ we shall/ should do…

When to leave for London has not been decided yet.

When we should leave for London has not been decided yet.

Mr. Smith didn’t know whether to leave or stay there.

I asked professor Xu how to learn English well.

The question was where to get the medicine needed.

I don’t know what to do next. = I don’t know what we should do next.

36. it + seem / appear that 句型


(1). It seems that he is enjoying himself. = he seems to be enjoying himself.

(2). It seems that he has been admitted to Beijing university. = He seems to have been admitted to Beijing university.

(3). It appears that there has been a mistake. = there appears to have been

a mistake.

37. it is thought / considered / believed that…..句型


(1). It’s believed that China promises to be among the powerful countries in the world.

= China is believed to promise to be among the powerful country in the world.

(2). It is believed that he has been working hard and will be given a rise by the boss.

= He is believed to have been working hard and to be given a rise by the boss.

38. had hoped to do = hoped to have done表示没有实现的希望,打算,意图.

类似的词还有expect, think, intend, mean, suppose, want

Would like / love to have done….; was/were to have done….

I had hoped / intended / meant / expected / wanted to call on my grandfather the other day, but I was prevented by a heavy rain.

------Did you go to see the film “Titanic”yesterday?

------I would like to have, but my mother suddenly fell ill and I had to attend her.

Did you attend Tom’s birthday party yesterday?

I’d like to have, but I was on duty.

39. 主语+ be +adj + to do ….不定式说明主语在那些方面存在形容词所具备的特点.

He is easy going , so I think he is quite to get along with.

The solution to the problem is difficult to seek.

The polluted river is unfit to bathe in.

40. ing形式作宾语

Admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine, include, keep, mention, mind, miss, practice, put off, resist, risk, suggest, understand, can’t help, fancy, can’t stand + v-ing.


I must apologize for not letting you know ahead of time.

The flight to shanghai was put off taking off due to the fog.

-----What are you going to do this afternoon? ----- I’m thinking of going to visit my aunt.

Have you made any plan for celebrating your birthday? On reaching home, she got down to cooking.

They hurried on for fear of being caught in the rain .

The man will die without being operated on.

He used to play cards with his friends, but now he is used to taking a walk afer supper.

We look forward to making a trip to Hangzhou.

After cooking, Mother set about making tea.

She takes great pleasure in helping others.

Afraid of being late for school, he walked in great hurry.

He insisted on being sent to the place where he was most needed.

Education is the key to speeding up our modernization.

He doesn’t feel like going to the exhibition today.

Not being able to stand being laughed, he hit the boy in the face.

On the way home, Bill kept on asking his father such questions.

Nowadays in developed countries, people preferred living in the countryside to living in the city.

The deer was so lucky that it just missed being shot by the hunter.

-----What do you think of the film last night?

-----Oh, excellent. It’s well worth seeing a second time.

I would highly appreciate your calling back this afternoon.

We are considering changing the plan. On account of the rain, he advised postponing holding the sports meet till next week.

Hearing the exciting news, I couldn’t help jumping with joy.

Have you finished repairing the TV set?

It’s good habit to practice reading aloud early in the morning.

As you know, studying means working hard.

The lake is polluted. We don’t allow swimming here.

Why have they delayed holding the sports meet?
