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1、用be(is ,are ,am)开头的问句。如:

Is she yong?

Are you helpful?

Is there a stamp show on Sunday?

2、用can , do或does开头的问句。如:

Can he go with us?

Can I go on foot?

Can you do housework?

Do you like apples?

Does your mother teach English?





例如:Is she yong? Yes,she is. \ No,she is not .

Are you helpful? Yes,I am. \No,I am not.

Do you like apples? Yes,I do. \ No,I do not.

Does she teach English? Yes,she does. \No,she does not. Can I go on foot? Yes, you can. \No,you can not. Can you do housework? Yes,I can. \No,I can’t.

带not的缩略: is not=isn’t can not=can’t do not=don’t

does not=doesn’t are not=aren’t


Of course. Certainly. 这三个词意思都是“当然可以。”

I think so我想是这样的. May be.或许是All right.好的OK.好的Sorry.对不起

----May I have a look?我可以看看吗?

---- Of course.当然。

----Can I go on foot?

----- Sure.,if you like.


1、句子里有is, are,can的,把is ,are, can调到句子开头.如:

She is yong.-------Is she young?

We are going to the cinema this evening.----Are you going to the cinema this evening?

I can make a kite.----Can you make a kite?

2、句子里没有以上is ,are,can的,直接在句子开头加do或does。如:She goes to work on foot.----Does she go to work on foot?

I go to school by bike.----Do you go to school by bike?

He likes collecting stamps.----Does he like collecting stamps?

加注:句中是I am的,变为are you, 句中有I 的变为you。句子第一个字母要大写。
