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1. ---- Hello, everybody. ( ), a friend of mine.

---- Glad to meet you. I’m Sam.

A. He is Jack

B. This is Jack

C. She is Sue

D. You must have met each other before

2. ---- I'm leaving for Europe on business next Saturday.

---- ( )

A. I’ll miss you.

B. Have a good trip.

C. You are so lucky.

D. I hate Europe.

3. ---- Would you mind my opening this window? It's getting stuffy in here.

---- ( )

A. I don’t like it.

B. Not at all, go ahead.

C. Yes, please.

D. Sure, please.

4. ---- Hello, may I talk to the Mrs. Chen now?

---- ( )

A. Sorry, he is not available at the moment.

B. No, you can’t.

C. Sorry, I don’t know.

D. Who are you?

5. ---- Do you mind if I smoke in the office?

---- ( )

A. Good idea

B. Yes. I’d rather not.

C. Yes, I do.

D. No, thanks.


6. It is a bad habit to( ) others.

A. make a fun of

B. make fun to

C. make up for

D. make fun of

7. You would always be( ) two minds about so many things.

A. for

B. to

C. at

D. in

8. I ran ( )an old friend of mine yesterday, whom I hadn’t seen for years.

A. across

B. cross

C. after

D. for

9. When we are crossing the streets, we must look out ( )cars.

A. to

B. for

C. at

D. of

10. The developing country has to ( )to terms with those superpowers.

A. come

B. get

C. take

D. go


Passage A

Miss Wang of Thailand went to Hong Kong for a holiday. Soon after she got to Hong Kong, she went shopping along Nathan Road. Suddenly a man came up to her and said, “Hello, there, I haven’t seen you for a long time.” The stranger continued talking to her f or a while and then took out a small box from his pocket. “Would you like to buy some diamonds?”he asked, opening the

box to show some stones. “I’m willing to sell them to you cheap —only $400 for this diamond. How about it?”Miss Wang didn’t want to buy the diamond because she had heard many stories of people being tricked. Also, at that moment a woman stopped and warned her, “Don’t buy from him. He’s not an honest man. He’s trying to trick you!” The man raised his voice at once, “I’m honest. These diamo nds are real.”In the end they took one of the diamonds to a jeweler —one who sells diamonds and the like. The jeweler examined the stone and told Miss Wang that it was real. He said it cost around $900. Satisfied that the diamonds were real, Miss Wang decided to buy them from the man. She chose two of the largest stones from his box and paid him $400. Then she went back to the jeweler and asked, “How much will it cost to fix these on a ring?”The jeweler examined the stones and said, “Why do you want to do that? These are just glass.” “But you told me just now they were diamonds.” “The first stone was a diamond; these are not.” Miss Wang ran out of the shop hoping to catch the stranger a nd get her money back. However, the man was nowhere to be found.

11. Miss Wang met the man __________.

A. on her way to Thailand

B. on her way to Singapore

C. when walking along a street in Hong Kong

D. when buying diamonds in a store

12. Miss Wang didn’t buy the diamonds at first because she __________.

A. was afraid of being tricked

B. did not have enough money

C. already had too many diamonds

D. did not like the diamonds at all

13. Miss Wang decided to buy stones from the man, thinking that __________.

A. one stone was real, the rest weren’t

B. the larger stones were real and the smaller ones were glass

C. all the stones were real

D. the stones were more precious than glass

14.After buying two of the largest stones from the man, she went back to the jeweler to


A. buy a ring

B. have them examined again

C. ask about the cost of fixing them on a ring

D. buy some other jewels

15. Miss Wang ran out of the jeweler’s store because she __________.

A. wanted to report the matter to the police

B. wanted to buy some more diamonds

C. was angry with the jeweler

D. wanted to catch the stranger and get her money back

Passage B

Thousands of years ago, people lived only in hot places. They did not live in cold places because they could not keep warm. Then they learned how to make clothes. When an animal was killed, they cut off its skin. They wrapped the skins around their bodies. The skins kept them warm. At first men did not know how to make fire. Sometimes lightning hit a forest and started a fire. Then people took some of this fire to make a fire near their homes. A fire was very important for three reasons. It kept them warm. It also frightened wild animals ? they did not attack when they saw a fire. Then another thing was discovered: if you cook food, it tastes much better! But men still did not know how to make fire. When they had a fire, they did not let it stop burning. If it went out,
