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Cloze 1

An Act of Kindness

I had nothing for breakfast that morning. I was so 1 that I could hear my stomach growling(咕咕叫)when Mr. Katter was lecturing on Asia history. So when the bell rang, I rushed to the dining hall at once. Minutes later, I stood in front of the counter(收银台), holding a tray(托盘) full of food.

“Three dollars,” the lunch lady told me. I reached my hand into my 2 and felt nothing. The schoolbag was empty. I searched again. Still nothing. I was almost certain I put three bills in it last night. I put the schoolbag on the floor to search for the money again. As I finally 3 the money wasn’t there, I could feel the worry and fear washing over me.

Feeling quite 4 , I didn’t notice that another person had ste pped up to the counter. When I finally looked up to tell the lunch lady my 5 , I saw, in the corner of my eye, a boy walk quickly past. I paid no attention to him, and I opened my mouth to speak.

“I’m sorry. I don’t have any money with me.”

“Honey, he paid for your lunch. You’re good.” the lunch lady said as she pointed to the direction the boy had gone.

I looked in the direction she pointed to, yet I could not find the boy. I missed the chance to 6 him. He was nameless to me. He didn’t

even know me. But he paid for my lunch. Although it was only three dollars, I couldn’t remember anyone doing something so nice for me.

A month later, on my way home, I saw an elderly woman struggling(费力) with heavy bags. I suddenly thought of the nameless boy who 7 me lunch.

“Excuse me, ma’am, do you need help?”

I’ll never forget her 8 as I rushed forward to give her a hand. It’s the very prize for my act of kindness.

1. A. worried B. hungry C. quiet D. tired

2. A. overcoat B. hat C. gloves D. schoolbag

3. A. realized B. described C. heard D. imagined

4. A. lonely B. nervous C. bored D. weak

5. A. situation B. joke C. promise D. suggestion

6. A. visit B. interview C. thank D. question

7. A. made B. handed C. ordered D. bought

8. A. silence B. offer C. smile D. pride


1. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:我是那么_________以至于我可以听见肚子咕咕的叫。worried焦急的;hungry饥饿的;quiet安静的;tired疲劳的。根据前一句“I had nothing for breakfast that morning.”可知我的肚子是因为饥饿而咕咕的叫。故选B。

2. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:我伸手到__________里,什么也没有摸到。overcoat 外套;hat帽子;gloves手套;schoolbag书包。根据下一句“The schoolbag was empty.书包是空的。”可知我伸手到书包里,什么也没有摸到。故选D。

3. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:当我最后________钱不在那里的时候,我感到抱

歉和害怕席卷了我。realized意识到;described描述;heard听见;imagined想象。根据下一句“I could feel the worry and fear washing over me.”可知我又找了一次书包后,这时候我意识到钱不在那里。故选A。

4. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:感到很__________,我没有注意到另一个人已经走到柜台前了。lonely孤独的;nervous紧张的;bored无聊的;weak虚弱的。根据“I didn’t notice that another person had stepped up to the c ounter.”可知由于感到紧张,所以没有注意到另一个人已经走到柜台前了。故选B。

5. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:当最后我抬起头来要告诉监管女士我的_________,通过我的眼角,我看到一个男孩从旁边快速走过。situation情况;joke笑话;promise诺言;suggestion建议。根据前面叙述的内容,早上没有吃早饭,还忘记了带钱,肚子饿的咕咕叫,可知我要告诉她我的情况。故选A。

6. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:我错过了_________他的机会。visit拜访;interview 采访;thank感谢;question提问。根据上文“he paid for your lunch.他给你付了午饭钱。”和前句“I could not find the boy.我不能找到这个男孩了。”可知我错过了感谢他的机会。故选C。

7. D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:我突然想到了那个给我_________午饭的那个不知名的男孩。made制造;handed递;ordered订购;bought买。根据上文“he paid for your lunch 他给你付了午饭钱。”可知我突然想到了那个给我买午饭的不知名的男孩。故选D。

8. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:当我跑过去帮助她的时候,我永远也忘不了她的_________。silence安静;offer提议;smile微笑;pride骄傲。根据句子的后半部分“give her a hand帮助她。”可知当我跑过去帮助她的时候,我永远也忘不了她的微笑。故选C。

Cloze 2

When I started working, I couldn’t understand why some people seemed to succeed in everything they tried. However, others just couldn’t manage to achieve anything. After a while, I found the biggest 1 lies in setting and reviewing goals regularly. A study shows those who have written goals and reviewed them regularly are among the highest achievers.

What do you do with your desires (渴望) in life?You could pay no attention to them and leave them to 2 in your mind, or start taking
