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( B )9. ---Another cup of coffee? 中考复习复合句---No, thanks. I __C__ be off. Mary

is waiting for me.

Tom will call me as soon as he (C )1.A. can B. may C. must D, might 北京)(2010___A___ home. white in the man ( D )10.--David, look at

got .B.has got C A.gets over there. Can you tell me ____? will get

D.重庆)—He is a doctor. (2010m leaving now.

( D )2.—I'is what is C.B.Who is he .who he A lights.

the turn off —___B___ you what he is .he D 2010浙江杭州)(( A )11. ---What would you send to your B. Make sure A. To make sure sister as the Christmas gift? D. Making sure

C. Made sure t decided yet. I _____

' ---I haven( B )3. ---Shall I tell Bob the send her a handbag. news?

A. shall

B. may

C. must


ve told him I'---No, you __D___. should already.

______ is her daughter?

—( B )12.t C. ''shouldnt B. wouldnA. blue the on right wearing —The girl t

mustn't D. needn'(2010浙江杭州)jeans. meeting )4.We won't start the ( B C. Which B. What A. Who (2010天津)___ our teacher arrives. D. Where though A. B.until ________? ( C )13.—or D..C while 云南昆明).(2010'—Hes very well( B )5.He wanted to know ____D___ 'How B. A.Who's your father the English party. (2010

天津) s your father .A when will we have 'Where What's your father D.C..B when we will have s your father

we we when .would have D.when Cthe about ( )14.—Did you hear should haverecent air crash?

( A )6.Jamie is a young cook ____ wants ,—Yeah,_____ a few this yearto improve school dinners.

weren't there? (2010云南昆明) C .whom B. A who .whose B there A.there are which

D.'aren t ____ have to no water drink will D ( )7.We t weren'.C.there were Dthere 'we dont protect the earth.raining s —( )15.Look! It' C

before .until .A B you? a heavily.______ take raincoat with if D though .now. Well, one right I'll take —2010( A )8.I want to know ________(.重庆)2010(上海)'Why don.. AWhy not Bthe should we .A when at arrive t airport like Would mind C.Would you D.you the

.B at arrive should when we 自我检测一、单项选择airport

t know when _____.

'( )1. I don when the airport we should C . B. A. will the train leave arrive at the train will leave arrive we should airport the when .D.C. would the train leave D. ( )11. I was cooking ________he was the train leave reading a book.

( )2. Do you know what _____ with A. after B. while C.

Jim? because D. but

A. is wrong

B. wrong is

C. ( )12. She worked _____quietly that wrong was

D. the matter is ______no one knew she was there.

( )3. -I want to know _____. - A. so, as B. so, that C. Why not go to the park? too, to D. very, that

A. where I can go for a picnic ( )13.---Who is the girl standing over

B. where can I go for a picnic there?

---Well, if you _____ knew, her D. picnic I can go for a C. what name is Joe.

what can I go for a picnic

A. must

B. t think he is right, may

C. can

D. shall '( )4. I don( )14.It______? 's a secret between you and me,

you ____ tell anyone about this. A. do I B. isn't he


A. must

B. can

C. mustn t I 'C. is he

D. don't ( )5. The teacher didn't say you D. needn'in

met last I _______him since would come, _____? we ( )15.

1981. t you A. would you B. wouldn'C.

B. didn't see D. didn

C. did she 't you A. don't see

D. haven't seen won't see ( )6. While she _______TV in the

( )16. ---Shall I tell John about it?

sitting room, the bell ____ .

just watches, A. rings B. told him you ______. I ---No, now.

is watching, rang

C. 't was C. watching, rang

D. 't B. canA. needn t

''t D. shouldnmustnwatched, was ringing

the if They wondered ( come must ( )7. ---Mr Wang, I again )17. teacher___ them some English songs the

on Sunday morning to clean the

next week. windows?

C. _____. ---No, you I taught teach A. others have asked would B. had

D. taught

will teach to do it.

( )18. ---Do I have to come back A. don''t C. t have to B. mustntomorrow? ---Yes, you____. t ''cant D. shouldn D. C. must may A. ( )8. Don't cross the road _______the can B.

should light turns green.
