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翔宇教育集团江苏省淮安外国语学校2010 年初一新生编班考试


(考试时间:60 分钟总分:100 分)

第一部分听力(20 分)

Ⅰ、听录音,听对话选出与内容相符图片的字母代号,(听两遍)(5 分)

( )1.A. B. C.

( )2.A. B. C.

( )3.A. B. C.

( )4.A. B. C.

( )5.A. B. C.


(6 分)

Ⅲ、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听到内容的意义是否一致,用“√”和“×”表示(听两遍)(5分)( ) 1. Put your hands on your nose.( ) 2. I like PE best.( ) 3. It’s time for bed.

( ) 4. Can I help you?( ) 5. I’m playing the piano.


My name is Jim. I am ten years old. I at Yucai Primary School. There are subjects this term. I like English best. I speak English better the other students. I would like to be your penfriend. Please to me soon.

第二部分笔试(80 分)

Ⅰ、英汉互译,将下列短语译为英语或汉语。(10 分)


3. 参加

5. 在……做得好7. 上课、有课9.在四月四日2.a history museum 4. twin sisters

6. dress up

8.take off

10.a quarter to eleven

Ⅱ、选择正确的字母将单词补充完整,并将其选项填在前面的括号内(5 分) ( ) 1. b fore A. o B.e C.I ( ) 2. da e A.ce B.mc C. nc

( ) 3. tas ( ) 4. cat A.te B. ti C. ter A.es B. sh C.ch

( ) 5. W esday A. end B.edn C.ned

Ⅲ、句子配对,从右栏中选出能回应左栏各句的句子。(10 分)

( ) 1.What date is it today? A. All right.

( ) 2.When’s your birthday? B. No, he doesn’t.

( ) 3. Are your shoes bigger than mine? C. It’s from my parents.

( ) 4. What for? D. It’s on the second of January.

( ) 5. Let’s do more exercise. E. Yes, they are.

( ) 6. How far is it from here? F. He’s my grandpa.

( ) 7.Does he jump higher than you? G. It’s the twenty-eighth of May.

( ) 8.Are there many flowers in the park? H. I want to draw some pictures.

( ) 9.Who is the present from? I. It’s about a kilometer away.

( ) 10.Who’s that old man? J. No, there aren’t.

Ⅳ、选择填空,选出能填入句子空白处的最佳答案。(15 分)

( ) 1. Sundays, Su Hai often goes on outing.

A.At, a

B. On, an

C. On, the

( ) 2. Does he have brothers?

A. a

B. some

C. any

( ) 3. schoolbag is heavier, Ben’s or Tom’s?

A. whose

B. Who’s

C. Whose

( ) 4. ---Where are you from? ---I’m from . I speak .

A. France, French

B. French, France

C. American, America ( ) 5. Who swims , David or Ben?

A. slow

B. faster

C. fast

( ) 6. Jim does well English and Maths.


B. of

C. at

( ) 7. Can you tell me the way the post office?


B. on

C. in

( ) 8. It means we can here.


B. No parking

C. parks

( ) 9. Go along this street and then left at the crossing.

A.turn, third

B. get, third

C. turn, three

( ) 10. There some orange juice in the glass.

A. are

B. is

C. was

( ) 11. ---- When is ? ---- It’s in October.


B. Halloween

C. Christmas

( ) 12. ---- What Jane ? ---- She’s surfing the Internet.

A.is, doing

B. did, do

C. will, do

( ) 13. I’d like some delicious food.

A. buying

B. to buy

C. buy

( ) 14. This skirt is mine. is over there.

A. Yours

B. Ours

C. Your

( ) 15. My grandfather for a walk in the park yesterday.

A. go

B. goes

C. went

Ⅴ、补全对话,根据首字母和上下文补全对话,每空一词。(7 分)

Today is Monday. Liu Tao and Andy are back at school. They are t about their weekends after class.

Su Hai: Hi, Liu Tao. H did you spend your weekend?

Liu Tao: I played ball games w my friends.

Su Hai: Did you h a good time? Liu Tao: Of course. How about you?

Su Hai: Me, too. Su Yang and I visited a farm. Liu Tao: What did you do there?

Su Hai: We c eggs. Liu Tao: What e did you do?

Su Hai: We p oranges. That was fun.

Ⅵ、选词填空, 根据句子意思选择合适的短语填空,每空一词。(5 分)

had a picnic in front of would like sees a play listening to music

My grandmother usually at the weekends.

2.Two days ago, we in the countryside.

3.Tom’s hobby is .

4.There are some trees our classroom.

5.He a new guitar as a birthday present.

Ⅶ、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。(8 分)


you watch the moon Dragon Boat Festival?


He usually the Art lesson.


does that sign ?


They are to go tomorrow. .

Ⅷ、排列句序,将下列的句子组成一段完整的对话,将序号填在题下方框内。(10 分)

A.How about this red one?
